Friday, May 22, 2020
A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental...
A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental Disorders The essence of the medical model is the view that abnormal behaviours like mental disorders result from physical problems and should be treated medically, in other words; mental disorders resemble physical diseases, in that they are both illness of the body. As a result, the medical approach would argue that mental illness and therapeutic action should be taken from the medical perspective. Whereas the psychodynamic approach concerning mental illness put forward by Freud was based partly on his psychosexual development theory. In essence, the child passes through stages such as oral, anal etc. Major conflicts or excessive†¦show more content†¦Drugs have been used with some success to treat various disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. The medical model argues for direct manipulation of the physiological system within the body, and uses somatic therapy (a major part of which is drug therapy). Drug therapy has been used in the treatment of several disorders, and has been used in the treatment of patients suffering from major depression and schizophrenia. Neuroleptic drugs (drugs that reduce psychotic symptoms but can also produce some of the symptoms of neurological diseases) are often used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Common neuroleptic drugs include the phenothiazines, the butyrophenones and the thioxanthenes as they reduce the posi tive symptoms of schizophrenia for example delusions and hallucinations, but have little effect on the negative symptoms e.g. lack of motivation and emotion and social withdrawal. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia have the great advantage that schizophrenic patients no longer need to be restrained in straitjackets. However, they have significant disadvantages. First, as we have seen, they have several unfortunates’ side effects. Second, the drugs basically reduce symptoms, and cannot be regarded as providing a cure for schizophrenia. This is very unlike the psychodynamics’ approach to treating mental disorders; the psychodynamic therapyShow MoreRelatedDepression And Its Effects On Depression1371 Words  | 6 Pages Depression is a widely misunderstood disorder. It is a psychological condition that greatly effects the way one thinks, feels and subsequently behaves. â€Å"Some authorities have estimated that at least 12% of the adult population have had or will have an episode of depression of sufficient clinical severity to warrant treatment†(Schuyler and Katz as cited by Beck, 1979, p.1). Depression is not fleeting and effects individuals differently. The treatment of depression has become extensively medicalizedRead MoreContrast and Compare Cbt and Existential Therapy Essay1692 Words  | 7 PagesIt encourages the empowerment of an individual to be able to change how they think (cognitive) and how awareness of particular problematic patterns may impact upon our consequent responses (behav iour) (R ch7). 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