Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees
FACULITY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MBA PROGRAM THE BANK MANAGERS' LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' JOB SATISFACTION IN THE SOUTH OF WEST BANK BY AFNAN MOHAMMAD AMER ADVISOR DR. SHARIF ABUKARSH This proposition is submitted in incomplete satisfaction of necessities for the level of Master of Business Administration (MBA), College of Graduate Studies, Hebron University. 2009 1 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I might want to communicate my gratefulness to the individuals who gave important guidance and help during arrangement of this theory My thankfulness to my Advisor Dr. Sharif Abukarsh for his direction and backing. Also, my thankfulness to all the Bank anagers who permitted me to lead the examination in their branches My gratefulness to each one helped me to make this bit of work completed.3 DECLARATION No part of the work alluded in this investigation has application capability for to been presented another this or as degree any or other college or foundation of learning. 4 a DEDICATION T his bit of work is devoted to all my relatives, particularly to the incredible dad I have, to my valuable mother, my closest companion Akram, and my flawless children; zaid, Sanad, Manar and mohammad, for their understanding and supporting. To them and to each and every individual who took an interest, helped, and empowered me o complete this work, I devote this proposition 5ABSTRACT THE BANK MANAGERS' LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' JOB SATISFACTION IN THE SOUTH OF WEST BANK Job fulfillment is one of the most significant human asset related results, Further; associations that have progressively fulfilled representatives are probably going to be increasingly gainful and productive. Among determinants of occupation fulfillment, authority is seen as a significant indicator and assumes a focal job. This investigation perceives the sorts of the current Bank chiefs' authority style in southern piece of West Bank and its effect on representatives' activity fulfillment from t he view oint of its workers. All the representatives of (20) Bank offices in the southern piece of West Bank which are (390) workers, were the objective populace of the examination. The scientist created one survey utilized as an essential source comprises of three gathering primary information, parts: the this first poll part contained inquiries regarding the representatives segment factors, the subsequent part is about the pointers of the present initiative styles of the Bank chiefs in the southern piece of West Bank and the third part is a session the activity fulfillment of the Bank workers. One hundred dispersed representatives in to twenty a the three tratified Banks of polls orderly southern 6 section have test of West been the Bank. Eighty nine surveys were returned which make the respondents rate (72. 4%). The aftereffects of the exploration featured a solid positive connection between law based administration style and representatives' activity fulfillment, a somewhat frai l positive relationship workers' between work imperious fulfillment and initiative a solid style and negative connection between the laissez reasonable authority style and workers' activity satisfaction.7 CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1. 1 Introduction Job human fulfillment is asset related ften-examined point the one results, in of the and most significant maybe the executives and the most modern brain science. Further, associations that have progressively fulfilled workers are probably going to be increasingly gainful and beneficial. Employment fulfillment, qualities likely such outcome as client low together and in with ecological other turnover fulfillment, different attributes, authoritatively diminished positive esteemed non-appearance and hierarchical occupation fulfillment, employment will results efficiency, adequacy. (kim 2004) Among determinants of initiative is seen as a significant indicator and assumes a focal job. Authority is the executives work, which i s for the most part coordinated towards individuals and social association, just as the way toward impacting individuals so they will accomplish the objectives of the association (Rad and Yarmohammadian, 2004).By utilizing suitable initiative styles, administrators can influence representative occupation fulfillment, duty and profitability. Administration style can be seen as a progression of administrative mentalities, practices, attributes and abilities dependent on individual and authoritative qualities, initiative interests 8 and dependability of representatives in various circumstances (Mosadeghrad, 2003). What's more, in view of the chronicled improvement of the Banking ector in Palestine which was, at first, set apart by shortcoming and deformation in its structure and exercises because of the political conditions that Palestine experienced. Obviously, there was a massive requirement for building a solid Banking framework ready to meet the prudent and monetary prerequisites o f Palestine. Furthermore, this solid Banking framework chiefly relies upon the human power that like any business must be fulfilled already in referenced, the work representative's place. work And as it was fulfillment is influenced for the most part by the supervisors' authority style. (Parker, 2003) 1. 2 The Paradigm of the Study Independent factors Dependent variableManagers' Leadership style Job fulfillment Autocratic style Democratic style Laissez-reasonable style Employees' segment factors †¢ Sex Academic capability Salary Hierarchy level Moderator factors 9 F igure 1. 1: Conceptual system There is one autonomous variable: chiefs' administration style, which will influence the reliant variable: representatives' activity fulfillment. There are three authority style pointers (totalitarian, majority rule, laissez reasonable), what's more, there are four arbitrator factors: representatives' sex, their scholastic capability, compensation, and pecking order level, that will inf luence the quality of the connection etween the reliant and autonomous factors. (Kenny, 1986) 1. 6 Objectives of the Study This examination plans to achieve the accompanying destinations: 1. To investigate the authority styles of Bank troughs in southern piece of West Bank. 2. To distinguish the best style accomplishing of elevated level employment fulfillment that to be suggested and followed. 3. To investigate the effect of sex, scholastic capability, compensation, progressive system level, in deciding the activity fulfillment of the south West Bank representatives. 4. To investigate the degree of occupation fulfillment of representatives in south West Bank Banks. 1.3 Statement of the Problem Most of the time the achievement or disappointment f any business as a rule and Banking specifically is dictated by the endeavors and by the difficult work done by its human workforce. What's more, since one of the significant elements affecting the workers exercises and occupation fulfillmen t is the initiative style of their supervisors, an investigation of the 10 authority style of the Bank administrators and its connection with the representatives fulfillment is basic for these chiefs to distinguish their styles and its effect on their workers execution, which will straightforwardly influence the Banking execution, with every one of its suggestions on the Palestinian economy. So as to achieve the fundamental goal of this investigation, nswers to the accompanying explicit sub-issues are looked for: 1. What are the essential authority styles of the Bank supervisors from the view purpose of its representatives in southern piece of West Bank? 2. What are the most exceptional qualities of these styles from the view purpose of the workers? 3. What is the workers' activity fulfillment level in southern piece of West Bank? 4. What are the most noteworthy qualities of the workers' activity fulfillment in southern piece of West Bank?5. Is there a reasonable connection between Bank administrators' initiative style and the workers' activity fulfillment in southern piece of West Bank? . Is there a specific sub things in directors' administration style or styles that bring about the most elevated activity fulfillment for the representatives in southern piece of West Bank? 1. 4 Null Hypothesis Based on the difficult explanation referenced over, the exploration speculations for this examination are as per the following: 11 1. There is no critical connection between the administration style of the Bank chiefs and the activity fulfillment of its representatives in southern piece of West Bank. 2. There is no critical contrast in the degree of occupation fulfillment segment of Bank workers factors (sex, in connection scholarly to the capability, alary, chain of command level). 1. 5 Significance of the Study Job fulfillment is a fundamental part of the human asset related results. Furthermore, due to its essentialness in an association, work fulfillment is maybe th e frequently contemplated subject in the executives and in modern brain research (Kim 2004). What's more, since work fulfillment is exceptionally influenced by chiefs' initiative style.The essentialness of this investigation is underlined as this examination is the first in Palestine as indicated by the information on the analyst done in the Banking division The significance advancement of this Banking study area, lies and in its contemplating mpact on the elements that may improve or prevent representatives' activity fulfillment. On the clients level, the more representatives fulfillment, implies the protection of a superior help, from one hand, and then again , the prosperity of the Banking workers will have its unmistakable impact on the Banking division success,12 which the client will legitimately feel; as an accomplishment in significant economy key player. The aftereffects of this examination will feature the impact of the board style hands on fulfillment, which will be an ex tra commitment to the national writing that will help in a superior making arrangements for future formative lans of the Banking area in Palestine. 1. 7 Scope and Limitation of the Study The time scope: the hour of the examination from January, 2008 to March, 2009. The spot scope: The exploration will be made out of all the Palestinian Banks in the southern piece of West Bank (Hebron, Bethlehem, Betjalah). Human degree: all the representatives of the Palestinian Banks in the southern piece of West Bank will be the number of inhabitants in the exploration. Confinements of the investigation
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Question: Examine the issues concerning the procedure of exchange and crucial Vision of the Government according to Negotiation? Answer: Presentation Countries that are wealthy in common assets will in general utilize these assets to acquire reserves. The administrations of these asset rich countries go into oil and petroleum gas contracts with the worldwide oil organizations. The worldwide oil organizations is subsequently empowered to create and investigate these assets. These exchanges are trying in the current occasions. The exchange procedure is a difficult angle as a great deal is in question, and a ton of research, information and specialized expertise is required to get a decent deal at these arrangement forms. The oil-rich countries respect the oil and gas assets to be the benefits of the country in general and not the property of individual individuals from the general public, independent of the rights over the surface land. Oil-rich countries are anxious to include the investment of the global oil organizations for the investigation of their common assets. These oil organizations are well prepared for abusing and promoting the said assets. The administrations faces numerous issues while arranging the details of the agreement. This is inferable from the way that oil organizations have high information with respect to the investigation forms and furthermore they are exceptionally knowledgeable about arranging these agreements. The oil organizations by and large get a decent deal on these agreements. The oil organizations approach these agreements in a negative, forceful nad rigid way (3 oil gas contracts for Aker Kvaerner, 2007). In this paper, we will assess the different parts of oil and gas exchanges between the administrations and the worldwide oil organizations and would accentuate the noteworthy regions of these agreements which the legislatures should remember while arranging the oil and flammable gas contracts (Ario et al., 2013). Issues concerning the procedure of exchange The oil contracts develop out of the immediate arrangement between the gatherings, and different complex issues are associated with these sorts of agreements. The different variables that the legislatures must remember while experiencing a procedure of arrangement for oil and petroleum gas agreements might be summed up as follows; Time Factor Time assumes a significant job in the arrangement procedure of the oil and gas contracts. These agreements are, as it were, subject to time responsive components, similar to, the monetary and political circumstance which is pervasive in the host nation and the chance of variety of such factors in future; the current market cost of oil as oil costs shift impressively. Remembering these components the oil contracts should be drafted. The particulars of the agreement must be with the end goal that they wind up enduring the test of time (Babusiaux, 2004). Such endurance is just conceivable if the particulars of the agreement are receptive to the predictable just as unforeseeable changes and requests. The main answer for the issue of managing the regularly changing conditions is to make the agreements receptive to such changes and not static. The drafting of the details of the agreements must be with the end goal that in the event that, the principles and guidelines administering investigation or the laws of the host nation change, the administration ought to remunerate the oil organizations (Bantekas, 2009). Interests of the Indigenous Communities The oil contracts are gone into between the oil organizations and the legislatures, yet there are many partners of these agreements. For example, the indigenous networks, the surface land proprietors. These gatherings of people are not part of the proper exchange process, yet their inclinations need to thought about while going into these agreements. The administration needs to set sure that the expectations of the indigenous networks are met through the procedure of exchange. Generally the indigenous networks request occupations and pay. Since, many-a-times the oil organizations make responsibilities however don't meet the duties, the administrations should find a way to guarantee that such responsibilities are met (Bath, 2012). Straightforwardness The arbitrators must direct the arrangement procedure in a straightforward way. Truth be told, straightforwardness of the arrangement procedure is one of the perspectives which guarantees that the agreements are satisfactory to people in general. By straightforwardness, we imply that the particulars of the agreement and the thought included must be unveiled to the general population on the loose. Straightforwardness is a mode by which defilement might be controlled. On the off chance that the administration authorities know that the provisions of the agreement are powerless to being censured by people in general, they will discourage from consolidating such terms in the agreement (Bindemann, 2000). Irreconcilable situation Irreconcilable situation is a typical element of these agreements. From one viewpoint, the legislature is going about as a business substance with the intention of benefit expansion out of the exchanges then again the administration needs to go about as a defender of the interests of the general population and endeavor to polarize the support of the oil organizations (Bret-Rouzaut and Favennec, 2011). So the administration needs to assume double jobs of going about as an effective business moderator, and furthermore it must remember open great. Arbitrators The group that would arrange the agreements for the benefit of the legislature must be picked cautiously. The procedure of arrangement is a craftsmanship. A decent moderator is sufficiently competent to isolate the debatable components, for example, pay from the non debatable ones like offering significance to the worries of the oil organizations. The oil organizations has a high ground in these exchange forms as a result of their experience, specialized skill, and money related solidness. Since the legislatures of the host nations by and large do not have these assets they should enlist gifted moderators having mastery in all the perspectives that are engaged with an oil contract. The moderators should remember that the reason for the exchange is to arrive at a commonly pleasing point that serves the inertest of the two gatherings concerned. Better deal in an exchange procedure would not be conceivable without master exhortation (Contracts. Future Prices and Their Duration Left to N egotiation, 1923). Legally binding Framework The type of agreement which would be received to offer impact to the exchanges is one of the basic choices that the gatherings need to take. The administration and the oil organizations may choose to go into any of the accompanying kinds of agreements; Authorizing or Concession Agreements These understandings are stylish since the start of the 1900s. Under this kind of understanding, the oil organizations procures selective rights for investigating, creating and selling the oil or the minerals for a particular period. These are single finished agreements. This is one of the generally utilized methods of shrinking by the oil organizations and the administrations of the oil-rich countries. The host organizations gets singular amount reward from the oil organizations as thought of giving the selective rights (Crump, 2011). These agreements are beneficial for the administrations of creating nations. This is a straight forward method of contracting between the gatherings. Truth be told, the degree of exhortation and bolster required for going into this sort of agreement is far less. In any case, this sort of agreement isn't liberated from drawback. The business part of the arrangement procedure is a burden to the forming nations when going into this kind of agreement. Joint Venture Agreement A joint endeavor understanding is gone into between parties when the gatherings are consensual about going into a joint endeavor as for oil investigation. While going into a joint endeavor, the gatherings concerned must have satisfactory information about the intrigue, business modes and objectives of one another (Ghandi and Lin, 2014). On the off chance that the gatherings are not consensual on these angles, the joint endeavor would not be a triumph. Inferable from the open-finished nature of the joint endeavor understandings neither the administrations nor the oil organizations are quick to go into this kind of understandings. The main favorable position that the administration can get by going into joint endeavor is that it is ready to rely on the mastery of the organizations and would not need to settle on choices all alone. The legislature is in a situation to impart benefits to the oil organizations under this sort of understanding. There is likewise a hazard related with the procedure of benefit sharing. The administration should share the related dangers and expenses alongside the oil organization. This kind of agreement draws in the immediate interest of the legislature of the host nation. Creation Sharing Agreements (alluded to as the PSA') The particular part of this sort of understanding is that the residents of the host nation are in truth the proprietors of the oil and minerals and not private substances. The obligation of working and dealing with the oil assets lies with the oil organizations. The PSA is like an authorizing understanding in numerous angles. In both these understandings, the legislature of the host nation gets a marking reward. The costs of activity are to repaid by the legislature to the oil organizations. Current consumption must be repaid promptly, and repayment of capital use might be done over years. The oil organizations under this understanding need to pay charges appropriate under the laws of the host nation yet much of the time the administration will in general defer the expenses and the sum is remembered for the benefits of the legislature. In the event that the current lawful framework in the host nation isn't precise, a PSA would not be effective (Jennings, 2002). This kind of understanding is extremely beneficial for the legislatures as totally connected dangers with oil investigation are vested on the oil organizations. The main consumption of the host government is the cost that it needs to bring about for legitimate exchange. Indeed, even if there should arise an occurrence of disappointment of the exp
Monday, July 27, 2020
How to Write an APA Style Paper
How to Write an APA Style Paper American Psychological Association Format (APA) is one of the most important paper writing styles in the world.Chances are especially high that your professor will demand you to write the paper in APA style if you are taking a psychology class.You must be wondering what is an APA style or an APA paper. As a matter of fact, it is just a simple paper which requires you to use the official format of the American Psychological Association that is the APA format.The APA styles formatting and writing rules and regulation can look quite difficult and intimidating in the beginning, especially if you have never used this style to write a paper before.Mostly students are familiar with other formatting styles, the most important of which are the Chicago Style or Modern Language Association (MLA) Style.If you are one such student, you might need some time to get used to writing in APA format. You need to keep in mind that APA format entails hundreds of formatting and writing rules.You live in a fools paradise if you think you can learn and master all of them.Similarly, every instructor has different requirements for you to follow.Some may ask you to use only Times New Roman font and keep the font size to 12, which is a standard for APA format.On the other hand, some of them may allow you to use the font of your choice.However, there are some general rules and guidelines you need to abide by every time you start writing a paper in APA format.GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR APA FORMATFirst and foremost, it is important for you to observe some general rules and regulations before learning advanced formatting rules.The standard paper size in APA format is 8.5 inches by 11 inches.You must always use a 1-inch margin on all four sides of the paper.As mentioned above, the standard font for the APA style is Times New Roman. However, you can also use other, but similar looking fonts.It is recommended that you use only serif fonts such as Courier, Georgia, Century and Baskerville for text.As far as figures are concerned, it is recommended to use sans serif fonts such as Futura, Arial, and Helvetica.The font size should always be 12.It is mandatory for you to type your paper. Handwritten papers are not accepted in any case.The paper should always be double spaced.The top left of every page should also feature a page header.On the other hand, the top right of the page should contain a page number.The header containing the title and the page number is normally referred to as running header. You can also easily add these headers automatically on each page of your paper.It is recommended to use the shortened version of your title if it is too long and does not fit in the running header.You should indent the first line of the first paragraph of each section in the paper. COMPONENTS OF AN APA PAPERThere are four main components of an APA paper that are the Title Page, the Abstract, Main Body and References.Before we explain all these components, it is pertinent to mention that the structure of the page varies according to the requirements you have to meet.Following paragraphs explain how you can format each of these components one by one.For example, you will structure a case study differently than a lab report or a critique paper.In the case of the lab report, it will contain some extra sections explaining everything about discussion, experiments and their results and methods used to carry on the research.But, the standard case study only has three key sections that are the problem to be discussed, the solution options and the final result.You must include all of the four components of in APA paper no matter what the type of paper is.Formatting the Title PageThe title page in APA style is further divided into four different sections.These sections are the running head, the title itself, the name of the author, and authors note and institutional affiliation. We have already described how to create the running header above.The point to be noted here is th at you should include the words Running Head before the page header only on the title page. Similarly, the actual title should all be in the capital letters.Other pages in the paper will not contain the Running Head words before the title.Other things you need to take care of in the title page are as follows.APA discourages the use of meaningless words or abbreviations in the title. Keep the title straightforward and simple. Most importantly, it should convey the main idea and essence of the essay.Put the title in the center of the page. Write it in the 12-point Times New Roman font. You are also not allowed to underline, italicize or bold the title.The title cannot be more than 12 words in length, but it can take up to two lines.The text of your essay should be doubled spaced and same is the case with the title.Author names on the title page should not include any titles such as Dr. or Ms.It is necessary to include the institution (institutional affiliation) where the author conduc ted his research.Formatting the AbstractEveryone knows what an abstract is. It is a very short summary of your essay and it must be a part of every APA paper.The abstract page comes immediately after the title page.The following are some of the rules you have to observe while creating an abstract page for your paper.First of all, you need to keep your abstract as short as possible. You have to capture the essence of your essay in 250 words or less. However, it is advisable to check the instructions provided by your instructor. Sometimes, they set specific requirements regarding the content and the length of the abstract.Do not indent your abstract in the APA style essay.Write the word Abstract without quotation marks right in the center of the page.Include the summary of the main points of your research on the next line. As you may already know, the purpose of the abstract or summary is to introduce your topic and research to the readers.Furthermore, it will also throw some light on the course of action you took to answer the questions related to your study. Finally, it also highlights the main research findings and results.Experts also recommend adding keywords relevant to your study or research under the summary at the bottom of the abstract page. These keywords enable other researchers and instructors to easily find you in the database. Always type keywords in italics and do not forget to indent them. Only list the most important keywords of your research.Formatting the Main BodyThe exact structure of the body varies depending on the requirements of the instructor and the type of paper you are writing.Going back to our example, the lab report will always contain an introduction section, a method section, and a result section.Moreover, you will also include a discussion section in a lab report.Again, you should check with your instructor to determine whether or not you need to include more sections or content in the paper.Abide by the following rules when it comes to formatting the body of an APA essay.Start with the Running title.The next line should contain the main title, which should not be bold, italicized or underlined.The next step is to write the introduction. Unlike the abstract, you have to indent the introduction in the main body.The introduction is perhaps the most important part of the entire paper.It elaborates the main problem under discussion and the scope of the research.The Introduction will also particularize how and where you conducted the research, including things like your institution, city, methods used, and the questions asked and so on.The introduction expounds on the problem in greater detail than the abstract.The Method section will immediately follow the Introduction section.Remember that each section of the paper will have a bold and centered subtitle as well. It is in the method section that you provide the full detail about how you conducted the study.It is imperative to mention all the methods you resor ted to collect and process the necessary data.Results should be the third section of your papers body.Again, it should have a bold and centered subtitle just like the Methods section.As the title suggests, you will summarize your results and findings in the Results section.You can employ many different techniques such as using graphs to display data more clearly and also aesthetically.Immediately following the Result section, Discussions will be the last section of your papers body. The subtitle should be centered and bold once again.You will interpret and analyze your research and its findings in the Discussions section.It is not enough to only draw conclusions in this section. Present all the evidence which support your data and how it leads to those conclusions.Discuss in detail whether or not your results and findings confirmed or support your hypothesis.List and explain all the possible future steps which can support or improve future research and studies.You can also highlight some of the major limitations of your research to make it more authentic and reliable.Writers widely use “in-text citations†throughout the body in APA style paper.These citations normally include the year of the publication as well as the name of the author or authors.However, in-text citations cannot contain page numbers in the American Psychological Association style of formatting a paper. (Martin, 2009) is a typical example of in-text citation used in this very style.Formatting the ReferencesNo academic paper is complete if it does not have any reference and the APA papers are no exception.You have to use a lot of references, scattered across the body of the paper to make it more authentic.All these references go to the last section of the Body that is the References Section.Unlike other sections, the Reference section will have its own separate page. Other requirements concerning the Reference Section are as under.Write the word References at the top and center of the new page. The subtitle should not have any quotation marks neither should it be bold, italicized or underlined.You will begin with the running title.All entries should be double spaced and alphabetized.Everything you cite in the body should also have its own entry in the References section. ORGANIZING YOUR PAPER EFFECTIVELYIn order to format your paper properly and effectively, you have to take special care of things like paper length, headings, and wording. Here is everything you need to know about them. Paper LengthThe experts believe in the notion of less is more as far as APA papers are concerned because they mostly deal with scientific topics.Try your best to keep the paper brief but not on the cost of clarity. You have to deliver your message in a clear and concise manner.Do not waste precious space by beating about the bush.Come to your point directly and elaborate it professionally.The paper should also be devoid of unnecessary details and fluff.This way, your paper will not onl y be concise but short in length as well.How to Use Headings?The best method to effectively organize your APA paper is to use headings.They make your paper look neat and clean.In addition, they help readers easily locate different sections of the paper and pieces of information.Similarly, readers will have a glimpse of the main idea of your essay in a jiffy if you divide it into various headings and subheadings.There are actually five levels of headings in an APA style essay.Each of these headings has a different size and thus, purpose.Level 1 is the largest heading in the APA paper.It is also the main title of your paper.The level 1 heading that is the title should be centered in the middle of the pageIt should be bold.Properly capitalize the title using the upper and lower case letters.Level 2 Heading:Level 2 heading is slightly smaller than the level 1 heading or the title of the paper.Level 2 heading is placed against the left margin of the paper.Always use bold letters for leve l 2 heading.Properly capitalize the level 2 heading using the upper and lower case letters where necessary.Level 3 Heading:Level 3 heading is slightly smaller than the level 2 heading.You indent level 3 heading in from the left side of the margin.Use bold letters.You only capitalize the first word in the level 3 heading. All other words should be lowercased. The exception is for pronouns as they should begin with a capital letter.Level 4 Heading:Level 4 heading is slightly smaller than the level 3 heading.You will indent the level 4 heading in from the left margin.Bold and italicize the level 4 heading.You only capitalize the first word in the level 4 heading as well. All other words should be lowercased. The exception is for pronouns as they should begin with a capital letter.Level 5 Heading:Level 5 heading is the smallest heading in an APA paper.You will always indent the level 5 heading in from the left margin in addition to italicizing it.You only capitalize the first word in th e level 5 heading. All other words should be lowercased. The exception is for pronouns as they should begin with a capital letter.Word Usage in APA StyleWriting a paper in APA style is different from other formats which mostly cover topics like literature, language, and other composition subjects.A scientific paper should always be concise, clear and direct.Therefore, you should take extra care when it comes to word and verb usage in an APA essay.Creation and analysis of data to test hypotheses form the basis of scientific research.All the observations and research experiments rely on them for their success.Remember that researchers use different types of verbs to explain and share the methods and results of their research.The rule of thumb is that you must use verbs in the same tense throughout a section.Heres an example:We tested the solution to identify the possible pollutants.Note that we have used the second form of the verb test in the above sentence.Therefore, it would not ma ke any sense to use the first form of this particular verb in the same section or paragraph, as shown in the following sentence.Scientists often test solutions with the help of a microscope.The APA manual recommends using verbs in the following format.Past tense or present perfect tense for the explanation of the methods.Past tense for the explanation of the results and findings.Present tense for the explanation of the conclusion and future implications.The Tone of the PaperDespite the fact that the APA paper should be free of fluff and unnecessary details, it should not bore readers to death as well.In this regard, it is essential to carry out some research about who will be reading your paper.Subsequently, write your essay in a way which not only educates the reader, but keep them engaged as well.Spelling, Abbreviations, and SpacingNeedless to mention you should write in perfect English.The essay should be well researched and highly informative for the readers.It should provide vi able solutions to a problem faced by a large number of people or a faction of a community.The paper should also be free of plagiarism as well as spelling and grammatical mistakes.Some other rules and regulations regarding words and numbers are as follows.Unless it is not at the end of the sentence, you must use one space after each punctuation mark.You will use two spaces after the punctuation mark if it is at the end of the sentence.You need not use periods between the letters of an Acronym such as APA or MLA if you decide to use one in your paper.You should not use abbreviations excessively. Use them sparingly as too many abbreviations make it difficult for the reader to comprehend a sentence or a paragraph.The case of unfamiliar abbreviations is a little different. If you want to use one, write the full text of the abbreviation and then write the abbreviation, enclosed in parenthesis, immediately after it. For example, you will write STM as Short Term memory Lose (STM).However, i t is not necessary to write the text of the abbreviation if it is listed in Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary as is. AIDS is the typical example.Use the Oxford comma in a sentence with a series of three items. For instance, medication causes fatigue, upset stomach, and drowsiness.You can reference Websters Third New International Dictionary if the Websters Collegiate Dictionary does not have the word you are trying to use.You will consult the American Psychological Associations Dictionary of Psychology for spellings of the words if you are writing the paper in the psychology field.Put the apostrophe before the s if you are using a possessive singular noun. On the other hand, put the apostrophe after the s in the case of writing possessive plural nouns.There should be no space before or after the hyphens in an APA style paper.Type the number if it is less than 10 such as five. You should use numbers for all the figures greater than 10 such as 15. Using Graphics in an APA PaperUs e Arabic numerals to number all the charts, images, drawings or tables in your paper.The first table mentioned in the text should also be numbered as table number 1. Similarly, number tables as per order of their appearance in the text.Do not fall in the trap of using too many graphics. Only use them when it is absolutely necessary or they supplement your point of view. Do not reinstate what you have already said in the text.An average reader will only understand the table if you use enough supportive words. However, the use of extra wording in the table or graph can backfire rather badly as well.CONCLUSIONAbove are some basic but important rules and regulations you have to observe while writing in the APA style.Although, it seems a daunting task to master this particular style of paper formatting yet you will come to terms with everything with the passage of time.
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental...
A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental Disorders The essence of the medical model is the view that abnormal behaviours like mental disorders result from physical problems and should be treated medically, in other words; mental disorders resemble physical diseases, in that they are both illness of the body. As a result, the medical approach would argue that mental illness and therapeutic action should be taken from the medical perspective. Whereas the psychodynamic approach concerning mental illness put forward by Freud was based partly on his psychosexual development theory. In essence, the child passes through stages such as oral, anal etc. Major conflicts or excessive†¦show more content†¦Drugs have been used with some success to treat various disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. The medical model argues for direct manipulation of the physiological system within the body, and uses somatic therapy (a major part of which is drug therapy). Drug therapy has been used in the treatment of several disorders, and has been used in the treatment of patients suffering from major depression and schizophrenia. Neuroleptic drugs (drugs that reduce psychotic symptoms but can also produce some of the symptoms of neurological diseases) are often used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Common neuroleptic drugs include the phenothiazines, the butyrophenones and the thioxanthenes as they reduce the posi tive symptoms of schizophrenia for example delusions and hallucinations, but have little effect on the negative symptoms e.g. lack of motivation and emotion and social withdrawal. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia have the great advantage that schizophrenic patients no longer need to be restrained in straitjackets. However, they have significant disadvantages. First, as we have seen, they have several unfortunates’ side effects. Second, the drugs basically reduce symptoms, and cannot be regarded as providing a cure for schizophrenia. This is very unlike the psychodynamics’ approach to treating mental disorders; the psychodynamic therapyShow MoreRelatedDepression And Its Effects On Depression1371 Words  | 6 Pages Depression is a widely misunderstood disorder. It is a psychological condition that greatly effects the way one thinks, feels and subsequently behaves. â€Å"Some authorities have estimated that at least 12% of the adult population have had or will have an episode of depression of sufficient clinical severity to warrant treatment†(Schuyler and Katz as cited by Beck, 1979, p.1). Depression is not fleeting and effects individuals differently. The treatment of depression has become extensively medicalizedRead MoreContrast and Compare Cbt and Existential Therapy Essay1692 Words  | 7 PagesIt encourages the empowerment of an individual to be able to change how they think (cognitive) and how awareness of particular problematic patterns may impact upon our consequent responses (behav iour) (R ch7). Pivotal to our understanding of such mental health problems from a CBT perspective is Beck’s ‘Cognitive theory of emotion’. It purposes that events and situations are not responsible for emotional responses. Instead it is the ‘meanings’ we attach which reflect the complex interaction betweenRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay1522 Words  | 7 PagesKatie Empson S00191137 Assignment 1: Essay COUN222 What treatment approaches (if any) would you consider for these characters and why? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that explores the notion that an individuals thoughts, beliefs and interpretations about themselves and the situations they are placed in are directly associated with their emotional responses and behaviour (Otte, 2013); that is, an individuals cognitive functions have a strong influence over their feelingsRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd )1382 Words  | 6 PagesObsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and describe the course of illness from onset to prognosis. This research will discuss the stressful events of the family unit that may occur dealing with a child with OCD. It will also discuss the role of the nurse; the different consumer groups to help families cope; and strategies to promote optimal wellness. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), defined as a set of recurrent obsessional ideas or compulsive actions. It is a mental disorder that occurs in aboutRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1990 Wo rds  | 8 Pagespsychotherapy that encompasses several approaches; falling under the heading of CBT. CBT is based on the premise that people s emotional responses and behavior are strongly influenced by cognitions; the fundamental principle being: different cognitions give rise to different emotions and behaviors. CBT was developed out of a combination of both behavior and cognitive principles. CBT is the most empirically supported therapy model and is used to treat many mental disorders. The goal of CBT is to identifyRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment For War Veterans1564 Words  | 7 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment for war veterans Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that may develop after experiencing or seeing a traumatic or a brutal life threatening event. It is increasingly on the rise in war veterans. 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Psychologists try to delve into the basic functions of a person and animals cerebral activity. This usually involves studying relationships, emotions, personality and many more areas of a person or animals day to day life. Psychology tends to steer towards finding reasons for a person or animals actions in an attempt to resolve them. There are many different sub - fields of psychology, however it isRead Moreâ€Å"the Relationship Between Counsellor and Client Is the Most Influential Factor in Whether Counselling ‘Works’†. Critically Discuss This Statement from the Perspective of at Least Three Approaches to Counselling.2074 Words  | 9 Pagesatmosphere of trust which has been described as an aspect of an intimate relationship (Monsour, 1992). This essay will focus on the relationship process in different counselling approaches; namely Existential counselling, Psychodynamic counselling and Person-Centred counselling. It will aim to understand the process and therapeutic approach used in counselling and how the relationship between client-counsellor evolves and what effect this will have on the outcome. Throughout history, support has beenRead MoreDreams: Nightmares the Myths Facts About It!1393 Words  | 6 Pageswhen the nightmares are constant? The fact is that nightmares are more frequent in children than in adults. According to a research done by Tucker Shaw, approximately 50% of the adult population have no nightmares. The rest only remember one or two per year. 5 to 10% remember nightmares once a month or more, but only a small percentage of people have nightmares that are disturbing enough to alter their lives. According to Freud, nightmares relate to startling and painful experiences of the
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Connection Between Self Esteem And Income - 1690 Words
It is often speculated upon whether there is any relationship between the amount of money a person has and their level of happiness. Whilst many researchers have directly investigated such a link, most have found little-to-no correlation (Quoidbach, Dunn, Petrides Mikolajczak, 2010; Devoe Pfeffer, 2009). However, a less discussed relationship is that between a person’s self-esteem and their income levels. As it has been found that self-esteem is strongly linked to a person’s happiness (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger Vohs, 2003; Swann, Chang-Schneider Larsen McClarty, 2007), this paper aims to investigate the connection between self-esteem and income, in order to better understand the link between money and happiness. Mandara and Murray (2000) defined self-esteem as the favourable or unflattering views a person has of his or her own attributes. There are several theories that explain how a person’s level of self-esteem is determined, however the one that will be of focus in this essay is known as the ‘Self-Discrepancy Theory’ (Higgins, 1987). After explaining the intricacies of this theory, it will be linked into the various findings about the connection between self-esteem and income from multiple sources. First termed in 1987 by Higgins, the Self-Discrepancy Theory describes how different sorts of disparities between self-state representations can be connected to various emotional vulnerabilities. Higgins (1987) suggested that there were three domains of the self.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Arts And Music In Music And Education1524 Words  | 7 Pagesraise money through levies and taxes. Both options have shown to be ineffective. Research suggests that Arts and Music should be included in the educational system as it is critical in learning because it promotes cognitive development, develops self-esteem, and helps in understanding all other subjects. Cognitive development is vital in a child’s education. Anything that educators can do to help in this is beneficial. â€Å"Making art is a highly cognitive process that involves problem solving, criticalRead MoreInfluence Of Tobacco Use. â€Å"The Prevalence Of Current Smoking1162 Words  | 5 Pagescannot prove the connection of a causal relationship, but researchers have reported an association between relatively poor self-esteem and substance use initiation (kwon, Ratner, Richardson). â€Å"Considering The relationship between self-esteem and the initiation of tobacco use, the results of this study support previous research reports of a potentially protective role of self-esteem against the initiation of tobacco use (Kwon, Ratner, Richardson).†This research suggest that self-esteem has more of aRead MoreCan Single Parents Raise Successful Children?1468 Words  | 6 PagesChildren? Lavern Francis COM 220 Instructor James York August 17, 2008 Are children who grow-up in a single parent household more likely to struggle in school, get into trouble with the law, and develop serious social problems such as low self-esteem and unhealthy relationships in the future? The myth is that a single parent cannot raise a successful child. That child who grows up in a single parent household is more likely to struggle in school, get into trouble with the law and develop seriousRead MoreBenefits And Costs Of Extracurricular Activities Essay826 Words  | 4 Pagespurpose of this literature review is to examine the benefits and costs of extracurricular activities. First, I discuss how participating in extracurricular activities benefits students. Among the benefits I discuss are academic performance, enhanced self esteem, and respectful behavior. Secondly, I will discuss the cost of participating in extracurricular activities. The costs I discuss are time management, and expenses. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES Students who participate in extracurricular activitiesRead MoreThe Theory Of Self Efficacy1645 Words  | 7 PagesSelf-efficacy is defined in this article as: beliefs in ones capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action requires to produce given attainments. This article according to Ross (1998) says that research suggest that teacher self-efficacy often influences the teachers willingness to implement new instruction in the classroom. Research also suggests that teachers with high self-efficacy tend to be more effective in the classroom and helping students especially minority students achieveRead More Does Economic Wealth Mean Happiness? Essay1348 Words  | 6 Pageseconomic wealth affects happiness. This paper will conclude that rises in economic wealth do not correlate with happiness. Many factors influence happiness, and the method of enhancing happiness. The essay will begin by discussing the relationship between economic wealth and life standards. According to Mankiw Taylor (2011), the quality of life in countries with high economic wealth could improve. Economic wealth can be measured by materials, goods, services, and GDP (gross domestic product),Read MoreTax Issue in the First Wives Club Essays1284 Words  | 6 Pagesmovie actress whose husband also left her for a younger woman, has now become reliant on plastic surgery to keep her career afloat. Her husband, Bill, is demanding a divorce and half of her fortune. Annie, meanwhile, is separated, suffering extreme self-esteem issues, and going through a therapy with her husband Aaron. Shortly after Cynthias funeral, Annies husband asks her for a divorce to leave her for the therapist. After talking to each other and getting angry about their situations, Brenda, EliseRead MoreSocial Class And The Future Career1686 Words  | 7 Pages In the article, there were total of four research questions. The first research question was examined whether there is a relationship between the social class and the future career, political, religious views, gender roles attitudes to identity development. Does it play a significant role in depending in people with the difference social class upbringing? The second research question was examined under what circumstances is the social class of identity exploration and does the exploration differRead MoreAlarm For Childhood Obesity Is On The Rise Of European Countries Such As Norway Essay1470 Words  | 6 Pagespressure, joint pain, and on a more psychological level they may experience low self-esteem and depression. A study by Bjornelv, Nordahl, and Holmen (2010) examined the association between adolescent obesity and psychological factors. The study was conducted using 8,090 children aged 13-18. The participants completed a questionnaire during one school hour which measured man y factors including eating problems, self-esteem, personality, anxiety, depression, along with having their height and weight measuredRead MoreLow Income Students And Academic Achievement1515 Words  | 7 Pagesn the introduction of this paper, I mentioned that low-income students tend to have decreased academic achievement. However, students living in poverty do not always fall privy to the generalizations that face them. At Walt Disney Magnet School, where I have the pleasure of working, sixty-six percent of students are low income, but sixty-eight percent of students meeting or exceeding the state standards (Illinois Report Card, 2015). I reflected on my own teaching experience at this school. In my
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Use of the Website and Social Media of Woolworths Free Essays
USE OF WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA OF WOOLWORTHS LTD Woolworths Ltd is retailer so main goal is to sell. Scale of online shopping increased manifold in last two decades. In present time in developed countries, such as Australia customers can buy online almost everything. We will write a custom essay sample on Use of the Website and Social Media of Woolworths or any similar topic only for you Order Now On this base arose the need to create a new field of marketing – internet marketing and e-commerce. THE BASIC UTILITY AND USER-FRIENDLINESS OF THE FIRM’S WEBSITES From all 32 divisions of Woolworths Ltd, 16 have websites. Also there is one website which belongs to Woolworths Limited and describes enterprise as a whole. All websites fulfil different roles. DIVISIONS| CHARACTERISTICS| Woolworths Limited| Customers can find reports, media releases, announcements, board of directors and management, information for investors, characteristics of strategies and actions adopted by company. http://www. woolworthslimited. com. au/phoenix. zhtml? c=144044p=homepage| AUSTRALIA| Woolworths | Woolworths is main division of Woolworths Ltd. Now, there are over 700 stores in Australia which serve over 13mln customers every week. Its website is the most developed from all divisions. Customers can buy online goods via site, get information about performances, use interactive options, store locator or leave feedback. http://www. woolworths. com. au/wps/wcm/connect/website/woolworths| Thomas Dux Grocery| Website provides only information about new coming products, promotions, recipes and store locator. http://www. thomasdux. com. au/| BWS Beer Wine Spirits| Via this website customers might only find information about types of alcohol sold in stores, current offers in stores. Except from wines and beers in this sores there is possibility to buy hard liquor. ttp://www. beerwinespirits. com. au/| Dan Murphy’s| This is online shop where customers can buy all types of alcohol. Additionally, customers get knowledge about offers and events. http://danmurphys. com. au/dm/home. jsp| Cellarmasters| Online shop – selling wines only (white, red and sparkling). Also provides information about hot deals and gifts. http://www. cellarmasters. com. au/| ALH Group| Web site of Woolworths’ hotels. Customers may find information about company, media releases, venues, social responsibilities. http://www. alhgroup. com. u/| Caltex Woolworths/ Safeway Petrol | Website has information about products, offers, rewards, gift cards, safety issues, petrol station locator. http://www. woolworthspetrol. com. au/home| Big W| Online shop (home garden, beauty health, baby, electronics, entertainment, toys, sports leisure) store locator, online catalogue, and big sale in stores. Has link to Facebook account. http://www. bigw. com. au/bigw/home. jsp| Dick Smith| Electronics online shop – TV Video, Audio Mp3, photography, computers, printers and office, mobiles wireless, car GPS, gaming, home security, kids technology. Customers can take advantages of online deals, store locator and links to social media websites (Facebook Twitter, YouTube). http://dicksmith. com. au/dsau/home. jsp| Masters Home Improvements| Website provides only information about new coming products, promotions, store locator and tips about decoration – Ideas Inspirations. http://masters. com. au/| NEW ZEALAND| Countdown| Countdown fulfils the same role as Woolworths in Australia – main supermarket in New Zealand. Online shop, offers, stores, community, overview of company. http://www. countdown. co. z/| Super Value| Website provides information about current promotions, new releases, overview of company, tips about food and nutrition. http://www. supervalue. co. nz/| Fresh Choice| Website has the same layout as Super Value site – only colours are different. Store differs from Super Value by wider range of products (SV – convenience store, FC – full-service store). http://freshchoice. co. nz/| Dick Smith Electronics| Its website has the same layout and content as Australian Dick Smith’ website. Online shop. http://www. dicksmith. co. nz/dsnz/home. jsp| INDIA| Croma| Website provides information about electronics products available in stores, special offers and news and media. http://www. cromaretail. com/| Table shows there are two main purposes of running website in case of Woolworth’s divisions. One of them is to provide information about products, current special offers, and overview of company, media releases and news, recipes and tips which can be useful to customers. It is used so the client can get the information he needs before leaving home. Customers focus on saving time and money and comparing offers to choose the best one which would fit their needs. Companies realise that they must become competitive in its sector to ensure marketing success. Seven divisions have online retailers. It is a very dynamically developing branch in retailer world. Online shopping statistics give full view on this subject. * 88% internet users undertake one or more e-commerce activity * 69% have purchased one good or service in last six months * 1 in 5 Australians do most of their shopping online * Australian traffic to online retail sites: * eBay – 5,576,000 unique visitors * Amazon – 2,191,000 unique visitors Woolworths – 1,488,000 unique visitors * Average 15% growth of internet shopping every year since 2005 * Market share of internet shopping of 7% of all retail sales (14% growth from last year) * Australian-based ecommerce sales – A$16. 9bln in 2009, A$33. 3bln in 2015 These facts bring about that online shopping has dormant potential which most companies need to utilise to acquire new customers. To be successful a com pany must develop its website so that it will be attractive to customers. This attractiveness is defined as user-friendliness of the website. There are some common characteristics features which determine user-friendliness: access to site map, logical navigation structure, low frequency of errors occurrence, consistent design and layout, access site search tool, access to contact details, easy language, search engine friendly, easy access to main navigational links in the page heading and footer and access to links to social media. There are also many more criteria which makes websites user-friendliness. Following table shows application of these elements on companies’ websites. – has feature and is user-friendlyX/+ – has feature but is not user-friendly X – doesn’t have feature | Site map| Navigational structure| Low errors occurrence| Design and layout| Site search tool| Woolworths| X| +| +| +The best design| +| Thomas Dux Grocery| +/XBad visibility| X/+| +| X/+Poor design| +| BWS Beer Wine Spirits| +| +| +| X/+Poor design| X| Dan Murphy’s| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| X/+Only for pr oducts| Cellarmasters| X| +| +| +| +| ALH Group| X/+Bad visible| +| +| X/+Old fashion style| X| Caltex Woolworths/ Safeway Petrol| X/+Bad visible| +| +| X/+Old fashion style| +| Big W| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +| Dick Smith (AUS and NZ division)| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +| Masters Home Improvements| X| +| +| +| +| Countdown| X| +| +| +| X/+Not on home page| Super Value| X| +| +| +| X| Croma| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +| | Contact details| Easy language| Search engine friendliness| Navigational links| Social media links| Woolworths| +| +| +| +| +Facebook| Thomas Dux Grocery| +| +| +| +| X| BWS Beer Wine Spirits| +| +| +| +| X| Dan Murphy’s| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| X| Cellarmasters| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| X| ALH Group| +| +| +| +| X| Caltex Woolworths/ Safeway Petrol| +prominent| +| +| +| X| Big W| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +Facebook| Dick Smith| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +Facebook, Twitter, YouTube| Masters Home Improvements| +| +| +| +| +Facebook, Twitter, YouTube| Countdown| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| +Facebook, YouTube| Super Value| +| +| +| +| X| Croma| X/+Bad visible| +| +| +| X| The table shows that generally websites are user-friendly. Weak points are repeated in some sites. The most common weakness is placing site map and contact details in bad visible location – usually in page footer. Second thing is poor and old fashion design – computer graphic is well developed and websites should adapt new solution to increase attractiveness and relevance of website. Smaller retailers do not engage in internet marketing and e-commerce. They use only information function in relation to their customers. Other elements work out smoothly and internet users should not have problems with navigation on the websites. Simplification for young people is the use of social media links. User-friendliness of the websites should be assessed positively. WEBSITES AND THE CUSTOMERS Internet sources announce various rankings and list of top online retailers. On the list of 60 most popular listing retailers there are 3 retailers belong to Woolworths Ltd: #7 – Dick Smiths Electronics, #8 – Dan Murphy’s and #18 – Woolworths. List of Australia’s top 10 online retailers from February 2011 contains 2 retailers: again Dick Smiths and Big W. Dick Smiths were on the list three years in the row so it shows how well running is the website. Design, updates and layout of website encourage customers to shopping online. Success of Big W is spectacular because it started its activity on the Internet at 10th May 2010. The easiest way to check what costumers think about company is to follow forums where they express their opinions. There are massive numbers of people who buy online and most of them do not complain about the quality of shopping on the Internet via its websites but complain about time they have to wait for delivery. Is it website fault? Delivery is next stage of internet purchase so probably people who organise work in warehouses bear responsibility for delay time. References Communications report 2010–11 series Report 1 – E-commerce marketplace in Australia: Online shopping [Online] Available from http://www. cma. gov. au/webwr/_assets/main/lib410148/CR_comp_report1-E-commerce_Marketplace_in_Australia. pdf [Accessed on 01st January 2012] Most Popular Listings [Online] Available from http://www. aussie-shopping. com/directory/popular-listing. html? limitstart=20 [Accessed on 01st January 2012] Walsh, J. , 50 Tips to a User Friendly Website [Online] Available from http:/ /www. designinginteractive. com/design/50-tips-to-a-user-friendly-website/ [Accessed on 01st January 2012] Online shopping: Woolies or Coles? [Online] How to cite Use of the Website and Social Media of Woolworths, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Persuasive Speech Outline free essay sample
It’s hard being a student and working at the same time, and find energy for both. I will show you why starting an exercise program can boost your energy and your mental health. Do you find yourself not having as much energy during the week as you used to when you were in high school? Gain Attention) a. Do you find that you get irritable more often? II. I am a current health science student, and have taken a nutritional course that really help my gain some perspective about my own health issues. Energy, mental health and physical health can all be eased by exercise. (Preview Main points) III. Most of us in this room are students, and also work. Some of us probably even have families we take care of. (Make Topic Relevant to Audience) a. So it’s important for us to stay healthy so that we can continue to do all of these things. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Speech Outline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Motivate) BODY I. Lack of exercise is detrimental to your health. When my uncle passed away from cardiovascular disease, I was a mess. I couldn’t believe that someone who seemed so young, could be taken so early, after all he was only 49. (Pathos) B. In a report put out by the CDC in January of 2012, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women in America. (Logos) Cardiovascular disease is when the arteries and veins become clogged with plaque, this due in part by lack of exercise. II Exercise can boost your mood, and mental health. A. After I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression and Anxiety, I started a rigorous medication plan. It’s hard to find that perfect pill or combination of pills that cures all the issues or their side effects. After taking my nutrition class I realized that I could use exercise as part of my treatment plan. (Pathos) B. Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? According to a 2006 research paper published by University of Texas at Austin, a workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help. (Logos) Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. III. Exercise boosts Energy A. Winded by grocery shopping or household chores? Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. B. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. a. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores. We should all get more exercise (reiterate topic and purpose) a. Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have more energy (summarize main points) b. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. III. So are you ready to begin an exercise progam? (challenge the audience) IV. You can take up a dance class with your spouse, or take your family hiking on the weekend, or try a new sport like Frisbee Golf. The point is exercise can be a fun way to change your life, to why not start today? Persuasive Speech Outline free essay sample The world has a huge problem with poverty and hunger and this problem could be immensely downsized if everyone that has a little extra money sponsors a child. Pattern of Organization: Problem-Solution Introduction I. (Attention Getter): How many of you see poverty and hunger as a problem in our world? How many of you think that you cannot feasibly help solve this problem? II. Reveal Topic): A lot of children around the world are deprived of one or more of the essentials to survival and development. III. (Relate to Audience): I am sure almost all of us in here will have kids in the future at some point. Imagine not being able to give your child food to eat on a daily basis. Imagine making your child walk six miles daily to retrieve water that is not even sanitary. These are some terrifying thoughts, but so many children are living in these conditions as we speak. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Speech Outline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You may think that you cannot do anything about this but I am here today to tell you that you can. You can save a child’s life and help them get out of these conditions by sponsoring a child through a child sponsorship organization. IV. (Credibility): Along with the extended research that I have done with this topic, I am currently sponsoring two children through World Vision, just one of the many programs that offer child sponsorships. V. (Preview): Today, I will share with you one of the biggest problems in the world today which is poverty, especially with children, and then I will share one solution to help diminishing this problem. Connective (Internal Preview): I will start by showing how big of problem child poverty really is and how many other world problems such as hunger, diseases, and even death spawn from poverty. I. The world’s population recently reached 7 billion people and out of these, around 2. 2 billion are children. According to United Nations Children’s Fund, most commonly as known as UNICEF, 1 billion of those 2. 2 billion children are living in poverty. A. Poverty has a different effect on children than it does adults. According to Hans Olsen, writer of the article Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Child Poverty which was published in the New Straits Times in Malaysia on October 16, 2011, children that live in poverty have a lack not only physical resources but also lack spiritual and emotional resources that are needed to survive, grow, and flourish. 2. Child poverty spawns a cycle of poverty that is hard to break. It is hard for children that are born in poverty to change that situation and thus the cycle repeats. B. Poverty has spawned other huge problems in the world. Hunger and undernourishment is one byproduct of poverty. a. With no money to buy food and no government programs implemented to help support people that cannot buy food, naturally these families are going to go hungry. b. The quality of food that they can afford does not support healthy eating habits and thus most of them are undernourished which can lead to many health problems, weak immune systems, and stunted growth to a name a few. 2. A lack of health care is another problem created from poverty. This also ties in closely with being undernourished.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Galdiator essays
Galdiator essays Imagine brutal sword fights equipped with severed limbs, decapitated bodies, men doing anything to kill their opponents, gruesome deaths, and one man caught in the middle. The movie Gladiator consists of all these traits. Gladiator was produced by Douglas Wick, directed by Ridely Scott and starred Russell Crowe. Russell Crowe plays a character named Maximus Desimus Meridius, the general of the Roman Empire army. The movie begins with a war Maximus has just won. The Emperor of Rome, who is dying, shows up at the battle scene to congratulate Maximus on his victory and plans to give the empire to Maximus, not to his son Commodus. In anger and jealousy Commodus, the Emperors son, kills his father, declares himself Emperor, and orders Maximus and his family to be killed. Maximus escapes but it is too late for his family. Maximus is then captured by slave owners and forced into slavery. As a slave, he has to fight as a gladiator in an arena for his life. As Maximus becomes more popular he goes to Rome as a gladiator, but he really goes to Rome to meet Commodus where he can avenge his family and overthrow Commodus. It comes down to a final battle, where Maximus kills Commodus, but also dies in doing so. Maximus is an interesting character because he is a fearless leader, and a ferocious fighter. In the first scene, it is showing Maximus leading his army into a fierce battle. He shows no signs of fear what so ever. He and his horse ride into battle with their heads high, almost as if he enjoys war. He is the first soldier into the battle, and goes to work quickly. He enters the battle, swings his sword a couple times, as if it is an everyday job for him, and begins to slay his enemy. The battle scene is cold and brutal; mens limbs are being severed and everywhere one looks people are being gutted like fish. However, Maximus pays no mind to the vicious moment, for he is so caught up in the moment he grabs one of his own s...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Make Spanish Your Browser Preference
Make Spanish Your Browser Preference Are there are some websites that are made in more than one language. Is there a way you can make them automatically appear in Spanish rather than English when you go to them? How to Set up Your Browser to a Spanish Default It is usually fairly easy, especially if your system is less than three or four years old. Here are the methods you can use with the most popular browsers. All of these have been tested with Microsoft Windows 7 and/or the Maverick Meerkat (10.10) Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Approaches here are likely to be similar with earlier versions of the software or with other operating systems: Microsoft Internet Explorer: Select the Tools menu on the upper-right of the page. Under the General tab, click on the Languages button near the bottom. Add Spanish, and move it to the top of the list. Mozilla Firefox: Click on Edit near the top of the screen and select Preferences. Select Content from the menu, then pick Choose next to Languages. Add Spanish and move it to the top of the list. Google Chrome: Click on the tools icon (a wrench) on the upper-right of the page, then select Preferences. Select the Under the Hood tab, then Change font and language settings under Web Content. Select the Languages tab, then add Spanish to the list and move it to the top. Apple Safari: Safari is designed to use the language that the operating system has as its preference, so to change the browsers preferred language you end up changing the language of your computer menus and possibly the menus of other applications as well. An explanation of this is beyond the scope of this article; various hacks of Safari also are possible. Opera: Click on the Tools menu and then Preferences. Then go to Select your preferred language at the bottom of the General tab. Add Spanish to the list and move it to the top. Other browsers: If youre using a browser not listed above on a desktop system, you generally can find a language setting by selecting Preferences and/or Tools. Mobile browsers, however, generally rely on the system settings, and you may not be able to change the preferred language of the browser without also changing the preferred language of your entire system. Try Your Preferences To see if your change in language preferences has worked, simply go to a site that offers content in multiple languages based on browser settings. Popular ones include the Google and Bing search engines. If your changes worked, the home page (and search results if youre testing on a search engine) should appear in Spanish. Note that this change works only with sites that recognize your browser configuration and act accordingly. For other multilanguage sites, which usually display in English or the main language of the home country by default, youll have to pick the Spanish-language version from the menus on the site.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic management - Essay Example Strategic analysis of Johnston Press Plc business enviroment using PESTLE and SWOT analysis; PESTLE Political. Besley (2008) emphasized the company’s political environment is stable. The United Kingdom government is one of the most stable and easily predictable governments in the world today. Economic. Economically, the year 2010 is characterized by retrenchment. The company’s Limerick plant at Leader Print Ltd has finally closed shop after several years of trying to keep its revenues higher than the company’s daily operating expenses. Social. Gibson sings (2010) The company has been in the forefront of the United Kingdom society. The society has been used to reading the news from the Johnston Press printing plants for several years. In fact, Johnston Press is the second largest printing company in the United Kingdom today. Technological. The company has incorporated digital advertising as one of its biggest revenue generators. Digital advertising and publishing has many advantages. One such advantage is the company’s borderless sales probabilities. Clients from any part of the world can visit the company’s website and patronise the company’s publishing and other related services. Legal. The company has been complying with all the employments laws, work-related laws and other statutes. Environmental. The company continues to adhere to the environmental laws of the United Kingdom. The company does not pollute the country’s pristine rivers with its printing company’s waste products. SWOT Strengths. Johnston, (2010) reiterated during 2010, advertising categories and geographic market segments have performed profitably well. Property advertising has bounced back to a 9.5 percent growth from the 2009 accounting period’s property advertising debacle. Consequently, house sales have started to increase as compared to the 2009 house sales. Understandably, the 2009 low house was had been triggered by the Unit ed States-based financial crisis. Further, cost reduction that included a reduction from 5,640 heads to only 5,417 heads, has augmented the company’s profitability ratio. The company’s single editing process has increase production performance. The company’s newspaper titles include Batley News, Halifax Courier, Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra, Carrick Gazette, and Isle of Man Courier. Weaknesses. Johnston (2010) emphasized the company’s print advertising industry is been set to second place. The Johnston Plc’s print advertising has been losing to the new and innovative digital advertising market segment. The economic debacle has cut the company’s advertising revenue by a significant percentage. Opportunities. Johnston (2010) explained the company should focus on increasing digital sales performance, the internet and computer technology has metamorphosed the printing business into the digital age. In fact, the company’s digital sales growth had increased by ten percent during 2010 when compared to the digital sales growth in 2009. The company should increase its focus on selling of its display inventories. The early part of 2010 shows a slow but sure recovery from the debilitating crunch of the prior year’s unprofitable economic depression. Threats. Johnston (2010) theorized the lack of any influential increase in the economic activity in the Republic of Ireland threatens the company’s plans to increase it overall sales performance. Using Porter's five forces
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 Term Paper
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 - Term Paper Example The last fifty years saw seen the enactment of serious health reforms including Medicare and Medicaid. The two have improved access to healthcare for the entire country’s citizens. The success of these reform policies serves as a benchmark for all future health reforms. However, as mentioned earlier not all reform policies have succeeded to this date despite the tireless self-dedication of many people. The (NHI) National Health Insurance is one of these policies. Discussions by historians help to point out why some policies have proven to be successful whereas others have not (Harry, 2010). The policy formulation stage is the first stage in the public policy making process. Analysis of problems and solutions occurs during this stage in the agenda setting process (Mark, 2012). Also, discussed are the reasons that could have led to the dire need for a reform to be implemented (Copeland, 2011). In this case, successful Medicare and Medicaid reforms; the need arose from the increa sed suffering of many citizens who had limited success to healthcare. Access to proper medical care is extremely expensive and not most low income earners can afford it. The responsibility of provision of adequate healthcare to the citizens lies with the government. One of the defining aspects of a successful government is its ability to cater for its people especially in the health department. This is because a healthy population directly translates into a healthy workforce. The economic success of the entire nation depends on its citizens (Harry, 2010). There also existed an international outcry from the international community. Organizations like (WHO) World Health Organization and the (UN) United Nations have a list of expectations for all its member states. Provision of adequate healthcare is one of these requirements. USA, just like all other countries had to ensure their policies were in line with these expectations (Lambert, 2010). The need for NHI arose from the countryâ₠¬â„¢s need to equip all its citizens with health insurance. This meant that even the poor could afford such a service. The American constitution considers all men equal and from this perspective all citizens are rightful owners of the country’s resources. NHI is more complex than the other two successful reform policies making it hard to implement. Trials for its implementation have failed time and again because of these problems. Ideological differences are one of the key milestones yet to be conquered (House, 2008). Karl Marx, a prominent sociologist, explained such behaviors in his conflict theory. He advanced in it that conflict when people of the ruled or subordinate class seek to improve their economic status and move up to the ruling class (Foster, 2010). Naturally those in the ruling class would view this as a threat and conflict would ensue. In the case of the NHI, the two groups would have opposed ideologies. The affluent would advocate for the national resources to be directed to other ventures that would benefit them. On the other hand, the under privileged would demand for the resources to be directed towards ventures that would ease their economic hardships (Lambert, 2010). Bureaucracy comes with increased levels of development within a country. The strength of interest groups has to be solicited (Vivar, 2011). These groups prove most influential especially in the enactment phase of the reform policy. They can
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The History Of Poaching Rhinos History Essay
The History Of Poaching Rhinos History Essay As one of the last surviving species of mega fauna, the white rhino is distinctively known by its square shaped lip that enables it to graze. At the end of 2007, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that there were 17 480 of these animals left, causing them to be classified as near threatened. In the past 3 years, South Africa has suffered the tragic loss of 93 white rhinos. (Source A: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Kruger-Park-loses-more-rhinos-20100226 ) These animals are commonly hunted for their horns, despite the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) having declared any trade in rhino parts for commercial reasons illegal. Thus hunters have resorted to poaching both white and black rhinos, often using high-tech weapons and helicopters to achieve their means. (Source E: http://www.traffic.org/home/2009/7/9/poaching-crisis-as-rhino-horn-demand-booms-in-asia.html) In the case of professional poachers, the following takes place. First, the rhinos are shot from the air using a low-noise weapon, for example a crossbow. The poachers then land and remove both horns; sometimes the rhinoceros is still alive but severely wounded when this happens. Before rangers have realised whats happened, the poachers are in the air again. A white rhino killed for its horns in the Kruger National Park. http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/news/chiefeditor/white-rhino-poached-for-horn-picture.jpg Location: The majority of white rhino poaching incidents in South Africa take place in the Kruger National Park (KNP), but it is unknown what the exact statistics are. A map of South Africa indicating the various biomes. The reserve is found roughly within the red lines. http://www.plantzafrica.com/vegetation/savanna.htm The Northern Half of the reserve is home to the savannah biome, characterised by longer grasses and woody plants . This makes KNP the perfect habitat for the white rhino, a grazer. The park is world-renowned and a proud South African tourist attraction, however this not enough to create awareness about the importance of white rhino conservation. A map of the Kruger National Park and its national borders http://www.go2africa.com/south-africa/kruger-national-park/maps/134.jpg This part of the reserve also shares an Eastern Border with Mozambique, home to nearly all of the poachers arrested in 2009. (Source C: http://www.krugerpark.co.za/krugerpark-times-e-3-anti-poaching-yield-results-25073.html) The bigger picture: In 2007 13 Rhinos were poached in South Africa. In 2009 93 Rhinos were poached in South Africa. The problem, as stated by Source B, is that the killing spree is no longer opportunistic poaching by individuals but carried out byhighly sophisticated criminal gangs.(http://www.rhinoconservation.org/2009/10/14/commercial-rhino-poaching-thrives-in-south-africa-thanks-to-asian-demand-for-rhino-horn/) This source goes on to lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of Asian countries: commercial rhino poaching has become a well-oiled machine and the new Asian wealth is bankrolling the slaughter. However, this does not investigate the poachers themselves. By July 2009 the South African National Parks (SAN Parks) reported that 32 white rhinos had been poached in the Kruger Park. Of these, 28 had been killed along the Mozambican border. Every single one of the 14 suspects arrested are Mozambican citizens. (Source C: http://www.krugerpark.co.za/krugerpark-times-e-3-anti-poaching-yield-results-25073.html) Source D goes on to say that law enforcement officials in Mozambique are not doing enough to stop the poaching. Not a single poacher arrested in Mozambique for killing a rhino has gone through the full process prescribed by conservation law. The article reports that not a single poacher arrested by Kruger Park officials was jailed for longer than two weeks. In one incident, poachers responsible for trade in R1,5 million were fined a mere R1250 and released. In another case, a poacher with a freedom-fighting history and close ties with politicians and police was released from prison without a fine, one week after being arrested in KNP. (http://hughpaxton.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/more-on-rhino-poaching-the-mozambique-connection/) From 1977 to 1992 Mozambique fell into a civil war that crippled its economy and left its people impoverished. Graph 1: Mozambiques annual GDP in relation to that of Southern Africa, and Africa as a whole. http://www.africaneconomicoutlook.org/uploads/tx_llaeocountries/Mozambique1.jpg With a Gross Domestic Product of just over $1000 Purchasing Power Parity (USD PPP), it comes as no surprise that Mozambicans would resort to poaching, or that the legal system is too weak to prosecute them. However, it is possible that many would prefer the illegal trade in rhino horn to honest work. As part of the anti-poaching initiative in Kenya, this pile of ivory and rhino horn was burnt to create public awareness http://www.safariweb.com/safarimate/trial2/ivory.jpg At November 25, 2009, the black market value of rhino horn was officially greater than that of gold, as stated in Source G (http://news.mongabay.com/2009/1126-hance_rhino_gold.html) . Table 1: Approximate Black Market values of rhino horn and gold per kilogram at November 2009 Commodity Price ($) per kilogram (kg) Gold 60 000 Rhino horn 40 600 However, it is important to note that fault can also be found with South Africans. 2008 Minister of Environmental Affairs, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, announced that individuals with valid hunting permits were abusing their permits to trade illegally in rhino horn. As stated in Source F: During investigations into rhino horn deals, enforcement officials had found that prospective hunters had applied for permits to hunt rhino in various provinces, and these had subsequently been issued. But the hunts had never taken place and the relevant authorities had never been informed. (http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799click_id=139HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799) The article goes on to quote Democratic Alliance (DA) environmental spokesperson Gareth Morgan in saying that the South African Government is still not taking sustainable development seriously. (http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799click_id=139HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799HYPERLINK http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=139art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799art_id=vn20080609114119227C941799) Furthermore, in conducting this report I have come to realise that most South Africans view poaching as something of the past or something limited to North Africa and Asia. Thus the plight of the white rhino has largely fallen on deaf ears. The ignorance of the people who stand to lose the most has proven a greater threat to white and black rhinos than poachers. Main concerns: Ethical Southern white rhinos are killed with immense cruelty. Before colonisation it was the traditional practice amongst most African tribes to respect wild life, this was emphasised by using every part of an animal that was hunted. Today, the world only takes a stand when cute wild animals or domestic animals are abused. Furthermore, the flippancy with which poachers break the law suggests complete disregard for animal life. As stated by Source D: many suspects are repeat offenders. (http://hughpaxton.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/more-on-rhino-poaching-the-mozambique-connection/) Economic The extreme black market value of rhino horn proves that this is a scarce commodity. However, this only seems to increase demand and frequency of poaching. In addition, SAN Parks pledged R5,2 million to anti-poaching strategies within KNP (Source C: http://www.krugerpark.co.za/krugerpark-times-e-3-anti-poaching-yield-results-25073.html). As the situation escalates, greater donations will be required which could prove to be a set back while the world recovers from the economic recession. Legal The failure of Mozambican authorities to prosecute poachers has instilled doubt in the poverty-stricken country. Relations between South Africa and this neighbour have become clouded with suspicion as KNP game rangers suspect severe corruption within the Mozambican legal system. (Source D: http://hughpaxton.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/more-on-rhino-poaching-the-mozambique-connection/) Environmental A northern species of white rhino is feared extinct. Black rhinos are near extinct. How long before there are no more of these amazing creatures are left in the world? Who plays the largest roles? The rangers of the Kruger National Park, the World Wildlife Foundation International (WWF), the IUCN, TRAFFIC (affiliated wildlife trade monitoring network of the IUCN), CITES, the Saving Rhinos initiative, the Rhino Conservation initiative, and the South African Police Services (SAPS) have thus far played the greatest role in physically protecting the southern white rhino and creating awareness regarding the poaching crisis. (Source E: http://www.traffic.org/home/2009/7/9/poaching-crisis-as-rhino-horn-demand-booms-in-asia.html) However, this will not be enough without the co-operation and support of the South African public. Furthermore, more efforts such as this one by the Saving Rhinos initiative should be made in Asia: An advertisement by the Saving Rhinos initiative aimed at educating the public. http://www.savingrhinos.org/images/Rhino-species-sizes.jpg Co-operation and support is also needed from animal rights organisations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the Governments of Mozambique, Vietnam, The Peoples Republic of China and Thailand in order to destroy the market for rhino horn. Solutions currently in place: According to Source A, current Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica has overseen the implementation of the following sustainable steps to prevent poaching in KNP: The addition of 58 rangers in the park, bringing the total number to 350 19 Motorbikes have been purchased for the rangers for use in patrols The purchase of high-tech night vision equipment for use by SAN Parks Air Service The addition of an ultra-light aircraft for use in patrols The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has taken over from the South African Police Service (SAPS) in patrolling the Mozambique/ KNP border. (http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Kruger-Park-loses-more-rhinos-20100226 ) Solutions that should be in considered: At this stage Mozambican poachers arrested on their national soil are not efficiently prosecuted, thus poachers should be arrested and prosecuted in South Africa as far as possible. Brian Jones of Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre has said from experience that South Africans living around KNP feel very protective over their wildlife. Furthermore, the locals are very passionate about bringing an end to poaching. By employing these locals as rangers and Border Patrol Officials, SAN Parks will not only be reducing unemployment statistics (even if only minimally) but getting the public involved where they often turn a blind eye. Imploring the Governments of Asian countries to educate their people about the effect of rhino poaching and the truth behind the medicinal values of rhino horn. Addendum SOURCE A: Kruger Park loses more rhinos 2010-02-26 22:09 Cape Town Eight more white rhinos have been killed by poachers in the Kruger National Park, despite the deployment of high-tech equipment and extra rangers at so-called hot spots within the flagship reserve. In a written reply to a parliamentary question, Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said eight white rhinos, two impalas and a zebra were poached in January this year, compared to seven white rhinos, two impalas and one kudu during the same month the year before. Her reply contains details of sustainable steps taken to curb poaching in the park that includes: the deployment of 58 new field rangers taking the total number of rangers to 350 to poaching hot spots; the purchase of 19 motorbikes to help with patrols; the acquisition of new night-vision equipment for use by crew of the SANParks Air Service units two helicopters; and the purchase of another ultra-light aircraft, bringing the total to two, for use in anti-poaching operations. The air service unit also has three fixed-wing aircraft. Dramatic rise Sonjica said the SA National Defence Force would take over from the SA Police Service in patrolling the parks international border with Mozambique during the later part of this year. Over the past two years, the number of rhinos poached in the Kruger, and in other reserves around the country, has risen dramatically. On January 22, SANParks chief executive officer David Mabunda said in a statement that at least 14 rhinos had been poached since the start of the year, seven in the Kruger and seven in the North West. This brought the total number of rhinos killed in the past three years to 93. There had been 48 arrests made over this period. Mabunda said at the time that plans to bring the military to patrol the Krugers border with Mozambique were at an advanced stage. SAPA SOURCE B: 14 Oct 09 Commercial Rhino Poaching Thrives in South Africa, Thanks to Asian Demand for Rhino Horn Well-funded poaching syndicates are cashing in on Asias demand for rhino horn and jeopardizing decades of rhino conservation efforts in South Africa. The reason behind the current 15-year high in rhino poaching is no longer a mystery or baffling to experts: It is fueled by the insatiable demands of a newly affluent and increasing population in Asia. Commercial rhino poaching has become a well-oiled machine and the new Asian wealth is bankrolling the slaughter. Todays rhino poachers Heavily funded, politically connected, and well-armed, todays rhino poachers use helicopters to fly into Africas game reserves to kill rhino with the latest high-powered weapons. In a recent Guardian article, chief executive of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, Yolan Friedmann, said the average number of rhino killed has skyrocketed from 10 to 100 yearly. There has been a rampant increase in South Africa. Poaching figures for this year have already surpassed the whole of last year. Its probably the worst its been for 15 years. Theres a lot more money going into poaching and its becoming more hi-tech. Its no longer just a man with a bow and arrow wading through the bush. These guys are using helicopters and AK-47 rifles. Despite the once successful Save the Rhino project, rhinos are under siege. South Africa is facing a crisis. Weve done extremely well in rhino conservation, but something has changed in the past 18 months, theres an insatiable appetite for rhino horn in the far east. Cathy Dean, director of Save the Rhino International, says in the article that the surge in poaching is a threat to years of hard-earned success in rhino conservation. The gains of the last decade are in real jeopardy. The underlying concern is that this upsurge in rhino poaching a major issue in Zimbabwe as well as South Africa is no longer opportunistic poaching by individuals but carried out by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ highly sophisticated criminal gangs. So far this year, 84 rhino have been killed in South Africa. In 2007, the number was 13. Unfortunately, commercial rhino poaching has become widespread: Zimbabwes rhino population is also suffering at the hands of a politically connected poaching cartel that fulfills orders from Chinese nationals for rhino horn. And illegal killing isnt the only way rhino horn enters Asias flourishing endangered species marketplace. http://www.rhinoconservation.org/2009/10/14/commercial-rhino-poaching-thrives-in-south-africa-thanks-to-asian-demand-for-rhino-horn/ SOURCE C: Escalated anti poaching actions starting to yield results South African National Parks (SANParks) announced earlier this months that more poachers have been apprehended in recent weeks due to the increased efforts to stamp down on poaching of rhino and other high value wildlife in the Kruger National Park. In July 2009 SANParks announced that the organisation had lost 26 white rhino and one black rhino to poaching and an added 10.3kg of rhino horn through a violent robbery in the Addo Elephant National Park. It is with sadness that we announce that since our announcement at the end of July we have lost a seven white rhino to poachers. However, the greatest news to come out of these despicable activities is that SANParks has since apprehended another six suspected rhino poachers and the recovery of five illegal firearms, said Dr David Mabunda, the chief executive of SANParks. The new arrests bring the number of arrested suspects to 14, with 11 recovered illegal firearms. Dr Mabunda said that what is alarming about this information is that of the 33 rhinos (including 1 black rhino) poached this year 28 of them were illegally killed along the eastern boundary with Mozambique and all the 14 suspects arrested thus far were of Mozambican origin. We intend to increase our efforts even more in ensuring that this scourge is routed out. Discussions have been started with Mozambican authorities to solicit their assistance in apprehending suspects and preventing illegal activities from proliferating on their side of the fence, said Dr Mabunda. SANParks has pledged a sum of R5.2 million from its Park Development Fund which is aimed at improving anti-poaching interventions in the KNP. The funds are being used for increasing the number of field rangers by 57 people as well as buying more vehicles and a state of the Crime Information Management System. SOURCE D: Rhino carnage continues YOLANDI GROENEWALD Jan 15 2009 05:00 The illegal slaughter of at least 12 rhinos over the festive season brings the number of the animals poached in South Africa in the past year close to 100. The rising death toll comes amid allegations that Mozambican authorities are not doing enough to crack down on known suspects and, in some cases, might be abetting the poachers. Another two rhino deaths in Mpumalanga have been reported but not confirmed some game reserves are reluctant to comment on such killings. If the figure is correct it would put the unofficial death toll of rhinos poached in South Africa since January last year at 96. The dead animals include critically endangered black rhinos. An Mpumalanga ranger who has tracked poaching across South Africas border into Mozambique said the countrys law enforcement failures were contributing to the problem. Not a single poacher arrested in Mozambique for killing a rhino has gone through the full process prescribed by the conservation law, the investigator said. Unfortunately, the Mozambican legislation cannot deal with modern poaching methods and this is being exploited by the poaching lords. He said many suspects are repeat offenders who simply return to poaching. And even if they point out their handlers the handlers can simply pay a fine if they are ever arrested. No poachers arrested in Mozambique for offences in the Kruger park and Mozambiques Sabie Game Park have been jailed for longer than two weeks. This includes offenders who have been apprehended twice for similar offences, the investigator said. A report he has drawn up reveals that poachers killed at least 43 rhinos between January 2004 and July 2008 in the Kruger park and around its border. Though the Kruger park would not provide official figures, the Mail Guardian understands that more than 40 rhinos were shot there between January and the end of November last year. In many cases Mozambicans, allegedly employed by Vietnamese syndicates operating out of South Africa, are the prime suspects. The syndicates are said to provide their local recruits with high-calibre weapons. Crossbows are also used because they are silent. The investigator said that a community leader from Mozambiques Limpopo National Park had shot rhinos in the Kruger National Park on three different occasions. Kruger law enforcers pursued him into Mozambique, where he was arrested each time, but on all three occasions the cases were either not finalised or no sentence was given. When the poacher tried his luck a fourth time he was apprehended on South African soil. The investigator said that South Africas laws should ensure that he is taken out of the poaching system. In another case in 2007 five rhinos were shot on the border of the Kruger park, in Mozambique. A task team comprising the Mozambican border police and staff from Kruger and Sabie Game Park arrested two suspects along with high-calibre weapons, the tracking equipment and binoculars. The investigator said the suspects and the evidence were handed over to the police commander in Moamba, Mozambique. But the investigator also sent letters about the case to the national government in Maputo because he felt Moamba police had bungled previous cases. In addition, he met with police leaders in Maputo and raised the lack of detective competency in Moamba. Despite his efforts, he said, the two suspects were simply fined R1 250 and released. The fine should have been at least R1,5-million if it was properly investigated and proper channels followed, he said. The horns were worth at least R1,5-million. The investigator said he suspected that some of the police in Moamba were corrupt and actually assisted the poachers. In one case the name of the poachers handler was obtained and the man was arrested. But the suspect has a freedom-fighting history and close ties with politicians and the police, the investigator said. Within one week he was released and South African investigators believe he did not even pay a fine. The Mozambican police had not responded to emailed questions by the time of going to print. Carlos Come, a director in the Mozambican police, merely commented that joint commissions between South Africa and Mozambique had been put in place to help Mozambique with its challenges.
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