Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Coca Cola Social Responsibility And Sustainability
Coca-Cola Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability Berlandie Benoit Professor Altamirano Monroe College: King Graduate School Abstract Large companies like Coca-Cola, have always engaged in corporate social responsibilities. The objective of this paper is to determine whether or not Coca-Cola fulfilled their social responsibilities in India. Coca-Cola had launched their sustainability framework as well as adopting the international Corporate Social Responsibility the Ruggie’s framework in order to conducts its business abroad. However, things made a turn for the worst, they were accused of having pesticides in the beverages as well depletion of water to the community. Coca-Cola Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability Coca-Cola is one of the non-alcoholic beverage companies that is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In the 1920’s the company started branching out internationally in the Caribbean and Canadian markets. They also started venturing to Asia, Europe, South America and the Soviet Union. Coca-Cola products are mostly everywhere in the world. During its expansion, Coca-Cola ran into some problems in India. The Indian NGO Centre for Science and Environment reported in 2003 the sample of beverages contains high levels of pesticides which exceeds European Standards. The government was notified regarding this matter and was rectified. According to Cedillo Torres, Garcia-French, Hordijk, Nguyen and Olup (2012) In 2007, Coca-ColaShow MoreRelatedCoca Cola s Struggle With Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1276 Words  | 6 Pages Coca-Cola’s struggle with corporate social responsibility Name Institution Corporate social responsibility is a term that is usually associated with a company putting in place structures that aim to give back or benefit the society that enables them to do their operations in their environment. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Censorship of internet in China Free Essays
Since the Faceable and Youth are blocked in main land China, feel totally disconnected with the US after go back to China for vacation. Not only myself, but also the whole country Is blocked from rest of the world because of the censorship for the Internet. The censorship of Internet Is not good for the country and Its nation. We will write a custom essay sample on Censorship of internet in China or any similar topic only for you Order Now Censorship of the Internet block the people In China from the rest of the world which Is harmful for the development for the country. Nobody can progress all on themselves, they cannot see the defects clearly as other do. The theory is the same for progress of the country, no communications and connect with other countries will only lead to fall behind. However, there are still some people support the censorship. They state that the censorship of internet is necessary. Because children can see sexually explicit materials which is unhealthy for them through the opening internet. Surely we should keep the bad information away from the children but there is no need to forbid everything about the sex in the internet. Proper and moderate Information Is necessary and good for the children. Whereas, government makes a sensitive topic even more awkward. Forbid of healthy sex education and free thoughts will not make country progress. Likewise, block the Chinese people from the world, often get blabs Information. If the news on the Internet Is fact, the government do not have to censor It. In addition, If the Information Is blabs, people still will find out the truth someday which means censor the internet is useless and harmful to people. Besides, people get curious when they can’t see something and they will do anything that it takes to find what they want. The hiding of the fact could not last forever, people will find the information navy. ‘ay. The anger of feeling betrayal will cause and develop the disappointment from the nation. As the disappointment increase day by day, people will do violence things to release the feeling. Also, government expresses free and open internet environment causes social unrest. However, that is the pretext of government which fears retaliation from the public if all the truth came out. The reason for social unrest Is not come from nowhere, there must be something wrong and causes people’s dissatisfied. One of the reason Is the government hide the truth and no lies can last forever. In addition, the censorship harms the right for freedom of speech. People have the right to talk whatever they want to and that is the natural rights. Share the opinions also help the government and country find out error which can be corrected. All things considered that internet censorship offers more disadvantages than the benefits. Hiding the fact, blocking country from the rest of world in digital way and forbidden for the freedom of public speech strongly against the people’s right as well s the impress for the country. Next question appears to us that how can we change the situation of censorship? Since the Faceable and Youth are blocked in main land China, I feel totally disconnected with the US after I go back to China for vacation. Not only myself, but also the whole country is blocked from rest of the world because of the censorship for the internet. The censorship of internet is not good for the country and its nation. Censorship of the internet block the people in China from the rest of the world which is harmful for the development for the country. Nobody can progress all on moderate information is necessary and good for the children. Whereas, government world, often get bias information. If the news on the internet is fact, the government do not have to censor it. In addition, if the information is bias, people still will find out forever, people will find the information anyway. The anger of feeling betrayal will all the truth came out. The reason for social unrest is not come from nowhere, there must be something wrong and causes people’s dissatisfied. One of the reason is the How to cite Censorship of internet in China, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility for Insurance
Question: Discuss about thePrinciples of Corporate Social Responsibility for Comminsure Insurance. Answer: Common wealth bank of Australia V/S the Corporate Social Responsibilities The case study is about the well known bank of Australia which deals in services like life insurance and other insurance services. However there was an ethical issue which was noticed in one of its work or transaction which the company has committed with one of its consumer (Matten and Moon 2014). Some ethical issues were violated in this case and the bank was found guilty on certain basis after the violation of the rules and regulation that they had promised to provide to their customer. The case studies dictated the whole scenario that happened and it related to some special breach of the contract and the corporate social responsibility principles. The allegation of the illegal activity that the bank was accused of was, the violation of the contact which was a policy under the banks regular business, which was named as the Comminsure Insurance policy this policy insured the life on the policy taker and provide with the amount of payment at the time when the policy holder was suffering from terminal illness or a illness which may cause death of the insured at the end of 12 months or so (Dahlsrud 2018). The bank had a good reputation in the market and the CEO of the bank continues to talk about ethics related to the service provided to the policy holder. The principles that were violated were according to the principals of corporate social responsibility ethics; the main principal of corporate social responsibility is the sustainability in terms of resources, Accountability on the basis of all details that are required for the purpose of betterment of the society and finally Transparency which is required for the understanding of all the stakeholders of the corporation and providing transparent information (Sathye 2014). In this case the company does not precede relevant work which is regarding the first principal of CSR that is sustainability, however the other two ethical principle of CSR has been violated, namely, accountability and transparency (Lindgreen and Swaen 2013). The bank has been practicing unethical ways of earning profit not just for the first time but for several times in the market. It has already done certain unethical works while providing insurance policy to their customers, when the customers claim the amount of money at that time the bank started using certain unfair practices to avoid repayment like: No proper medical records were of the client was kept, so that the actual medical condition of the client cannot be detected in the future after the client has already bought the claim. They deleted medical records whenever the clients claimed the insurance policy as per the terms and condition. They create undue pressure on the doctors of the respective clients to change their opinion as per the profitability of the bank. They manipulate the medical report in such a way that it becomes difficult to show the actual condition of the client, and the client is unable to further claim the insurance facility. They rejected heart attack cases on the basis of their own scale of severity which was unethical so as to avoid repayment of the dues that were claimed by the client. Subsequently, it is seen that the principle of CSR is violated mainly the principle of accountability and the principle of transparency. This proves the bank guilty of the malpractices and the involvement in the scams that was convicted on them by certain clients in the year 2014 (Garriga and Mel 2014). Relevance of Sustainability and social responsibility of the CWB After analyzing the scam that happened in Australia which was committed by the Common wealth bank in Australia, it is seen that the organization has breached the principle of sustainability (Guthrie and Petty 2012). Sustainability is one of the principles of corporate social responsibility this involves seeing an organization as a part of the economic and social system. It is generally assumed that a corporate has certain duties that they need to fulfill as mentioned in the corporate socialresponsibility. The bank does unethical works that has a harassing effect on its customer, along with that they were not bothered about the consequences that may happen to their clients as well as their organization in the future. The sustainability of use of human resources is being disturbed by the action of the bank (Hemingway and Maclagan 2014). The miss uses of resources to earn profit at a high rate in against the rule of sustain ability and in future this may affect the bank's business trans action. The activities of the bank that proves the bank to be guilty of not following the principles of sustainability are: Use of the system of bribing the medical institution and influencing them to change their medical reports that they have made on behalf of the customers of the health insurance policy (Carroll 2016). Secondly, Unnecessary use of resources to manipulate the work of media so that they become incapable to influence the public against the common wealth bank. As per the media report few clients of the company that were affected by the un- ethical practice of the Common Wealth bank are namely: James Kessel: Hear Attack case Nicolas Bishop: Terminal lungs infection Evan Pashalis: Leukemia Helen Polydropolos: Multiple sclerosis Matthew Attwater: Major Depressive Disorder The above people are the customer of the Comminsure Insurance policy and their claims were rejected under certain un ethical grounds to avoided huge repayments by the common wealth bank, this proved the bank to be guilty of using such means in the regular business activity which is against the Corporate Social Responsibility social principles (Garriga and Mel 2014). The bank is affecting the social structure by the use of such practices of misinterpreting, creating undue influence, manipulating the evidences and other health reports and also not paying the ethical amount of the claim that a customer require or is eligible as per the prewritten terms and conditions that were written in the insurance policy that the customer availed. The principle Breached by CBA Mainly there are 3 main principles of the Corporate Social responsibility: Sustainability Accountability Transparency The CBA breached all the three principles neither there was sustainability in their work as they were not bothered to about the outcomes that may happen in the future due to the use of the resources for profitability in ethical grounds nor did they followed the other two rules of corporate social responsibility (Tai and Chuang 2014). The companies used the means of bribing influencing and so onjust with the motive of not paying the amount that the customerof their insurance policy is eligible for. Secondly, the principle of accountability was also hampered as the companywho is always accountable for its deeds to its shareholders or stakeholder of the respective company (Sathye 2014). In this case there was manipulation of information, misinterpretation as well as undue influence which violated the principle of accountability of the firm. Thirdly the principal of transparency was violated the most as the company did not show their true documentation and the processing of the insurance claim which was a deed violating the transparency principle of the corporate social responsibility. Ethical Violation and their Theories as per CSR There are major theories regarding the ethical issues of corporate social responsibility. In the case that is being analyzed the ethical theory are being violated the most vital of them are: Utilitarianism means that doing as much good of the customer or the client to whom the service is being provided or preventing any negative effect on the customer. However in the above discussed case the Common wealth bank has violated the rules of Utilitarianism. The bank cheated on the customers and avoided paying the amount that the customer is eligible to get. This deliberated to the bad effect on the customer and also deprived the customer from getting what they should get. Ethics of Rights means the ethical rights of all humans or the human rights are to be kept in mind while working with consumers and clients. The same things have been violated in the above case study. The human rights are also hampered of the above mentioned clients of the common wealth bank. Freedom of speech; Freedom from torture; Right to fair trail, all of these right of humanity were violated by the common wealth bank when the customers asked for the claimed amount which they deserved. Contractualism is also violated by the common wealth bank in this case. This ethics of corporate social responsibility says that the two parties to a contract must fulfill their terms and conditions and the agreement made as per the promise that they made before and provide what each other owe. The common wealth bank violated the above principle and did not act according to the contact that they promised to provide to its customer as per the terms of the insurance claim. References Carroll, A.B., 2016. Corporate social responsibility: Evolution of a definitional construct.Business society,38(3), pp.268-295. Dahlsrud, A., 2018. How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions.Corporate social responsibility and environmental management,15(1), pp.1-13. Garriga, E. and Mel, D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory.Journal of business ethics,53(1-2), pp.51-71. Guthrie, J. and Petty, R., 2012. Intellectual capital: Australian annual reporting practices.Journal of intellectual capital,1(3), pp.241-251. Hemingway, C.A. and Maclagan, P.W., 2014. Managers' personal values as drivers of corporate social responsibility.Journal of Business Ethics,50(1), pp.33-44. Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V., 2013. Corporate social responsibility.International Journal of Management Reviews,12(1), pp.1-7. Matten, D. and Moon, J., 2014. Corporate social responsibility.Journal of business Ethics,54(4), pp.323-337. Sathye, M., 2014. X-efficiency in Australian banking: An empirical investigation.Journal of Banking Finance,25(3), pp.613-630. Tai, F.M. and Chuang, S.H., 2014. Corporate social responsibility.Ibusiness,6(03), p.117.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Nationalism as a Political Occurrence
What is Nationalism? Nationalism can be described as a political occurrence that can exist in several ways. Nationalism is continued by certain agents and is subject to many views. James Kellas described nationalism in international relations as an origin of crisis, an origin of resistance to the state system in existence, a resistance to international establishments, and an indicator of a country’s capability in regard to international affairs (43).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism as a Political Occurrence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nationalism has been variously interpreted to imply the creation and continuation of a state. Anthony Smith recognized five ways of using nationalism: the entire procedure of developing and preserving a nation; a source of sense of belonging and patriotism to the nation; symbolization to the nation; a political orientation of the nation, which includes cultur al doctrines; a political and societal struggle for the achievement of national goals (181). Nationalism could be considered a way of conduct or an ideology or both (Smith 4). In the sense of ideology, nationalism stands as a system of ideas normally requiring rights of self-governance. In this respect, nationalism declares the peculiarity of a certain nation and their right to rule themselves in their territory (Easman 28). This classical description presumes that nationalism is based on the nation and the right of the nation to determine for itself in their homeland. However, the application of nationalism is mostly narrowed to the quest of nationhood where a particular nation moves to stand for a state that has chosen to be considered as politically disparate. This ideology has caused a movement for independence. In another view, Walker Connor contends that nationalism is a matter of trueness and allegiance (42). In this regard, the ideology of nationalism is concerned with the f aithfulness to the nation and how it’s several aspects of attributes and values can be preserved. Walker Connor supports the view of nationalism as a display of allegiance to the nation (42). Hence, nationalism is not against a people’s loyalty to their state-nation. Small or large groups can be faithful to the laws of the state however be loyal to their premier identity source, which is their national or ethnic identity. This peculiarity is striking in countries having multinational states, as there is a distinction between the nation and the state. Connor argues that nationalism is faithfulness and allegiance to the nation, whereas Easman contends that it is faithfulness and allegiance to the community. Hence, it can be seen that nationalism is a manifestation of what is termed â€Å"ethnic solidarity†. Ethnocentric attitudes as well as nationalist sentiments make up a vital aspect of nationalism. The way a nationalist behaves and its manner of consideration i s strengthened and supported through â€Å"mechanisms of socialization†(Evans and Newnham 347).Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A Brief Typology of Nationalism In the analysis of the conditions in the presentation of nationalism, it can be seen that it basically explains certain aspects of nationalism. Even though it is generally accepted that research on nationalism is still far away from improving a desired typology or normative use. James Kellas gave three broad approaches that give a description of nationalism: state/official nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and civic/social nationalism (66). Official nationalism is the state’s nationalism that covers all legal citizens, regardless of their ethnic origin and tradition (Kellas 67). This is the type of nationalism that is practiced by the citizens in the form of patriotism. There is a difference between offic ial nationalism and other forms of nationalism in the sense that it is practiced by government authorities at the state level via internal policies. Hence, nationalism is in this case, defined in regard to national interest. Therefore, state nationalism is based on patriotism to the nation and the intention of the citizens to affiliate the political status of the state with the nation. This makes the state a political entity that stands for the will of every citizen that also brings together their national allegiance and loyalty. Ethnic nationalism represents the ideology and social movement of cultural groups that one of its priority goals is building a â€Å"nation-state†founded on their cultural heritage and other ethnic markers that reinforces a feeling of belonging to what the group consider a nation. On another front, ethnic nationalism may be concentrated on sustaining the group’s â€Å"ethnic solidarity†and look forward to the preservation of its cultu re via district, ethnical and political self-governance inside a certain state. In this regard, the movement for the continuation of a cultural identity is perceived as a manifestation of an ethnic nationalism. According to James Kellas, civic or social nationalism is the nationalism of a state that is determined by cultural and social affiliations instead of shared descent (66). In contrast to ethnic nationalism, civic or social nationalism has to do with â€Å"secondary community†instead of a â€Å"primary community†(Thompson 49). In the civic or social nationalism, foreigners can take part in the group by adopting their culture and adjusting to the society. This type of nationality is one that is gotten by immigrants. The cultural or national groups are required to wholly incorporate the new nation and also comply with the nation’s standards, after the acquisition of citizenship.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism as a Politi cal Occurrence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Connor, Walker. Etnonacionalismo. Madrid: Trama Editorial, 1998. Print. Easman, Milton J. Ethnic Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994. Print. Evans, Graham, and Jeffrey Newnham. The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations. New York: Penguin Books Ltd., 1998. Print. Kellas, James G. The Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc., 1998. Print. Smith, Anthony D. Structure and Persistence of Ethnic. Malden: Polity Press, 2003. Print. Thompson, Richard H. Theories of Ethnicity. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. Print. This essay on Nationalism as a Political Occurrence was written and submitted by user Jacob H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A Journey With Breast Cancer Essays - Breast Cancer, Mammography
A Journey With Breast Cancer Essays - Breast Cancer, Mammography A Journey With Breast Cancer A Journey with Breast Cancer What is Cancer? The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells only when the body needs them. This is an orderly process which keeps the body healthy. Sometimes cells keep dividing when new cells are not needed. They may form a mass of extra tissue called a growth or tumor. Benign tumors are not a threat to life but malignant tumors are cancer. Cells in these tumors can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. The fear is that cancer cells can break away from a malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. That is how breast cancer spreads and forms other tumors in the body. The spread of cancer is called metastisis. (Dollinger, Rosenbaum and Cable, 1991). Understanding the breasts Each breast has 15 to 20 overlapping sections called lobes. There are many smaller lobules, which end in dozens of tiny bulbs that can produce milk. The lobes, lobules and bulbs are all linked by thin tubes called ducts. These ducts lead to the nipple in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat fills the spaces around the lobules and ducts. The breast does not have muscles tissue but muscles lie under each breast and cover the ribs. Each breast contains blood vessels and vessels that contain lymph. The lymph vessels lead to small bean shaped organs called lymph nodes. Clusters of lymph nodes are found near the breast under the arm, above the collarbone and in the chest. They are also found in other parts of the body. (Dollinger, Rosenbaum and Cable, 1991). Types of breast cancer According to Dollinger, Rosenbaum and Cable (1991), the most common type of breast cancer begins in the lining of the ducts It is called ductal carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma arises in the lobules. They explain that when breast cancer spreads outside of the breast, cancer cells are often found in the lymph nodes under the arm. If it reaches these nodes it may mean that cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body, other lymph nodes or other organs. It may have spread to the bones, liver or lungs. When cancer spreads, it is called metastatic breast cancer. The median duration of survival for women with metastatic disease is two to three years. Malignant cells are transported via the lymphatic system. Distant metastasis occurs when the cancerous tumor cells break away from the primary tumor and spread to other sites in the body. (McEvilly and Hassey, 1998). Risk factors for breast cancer According to the National Cancer Institute (1999), research has shown that the following conditions place a woman at increased risk for breast cancer: Personal history of breast cancer - Women who have had breast cancer face an increased risk of getting breast cancer again. Genetic alterations - Changes in certain genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, and others) make women more susceptible to breast cancer. In families in which many women have had the disease, gene testing can show whether a woman has specific genetic changes known to increase the susceptibility to breast cancer. Family history- A woman's risk for developing breast cancer increases if her mother, sister, daughter or two or more other close relatives, such as cousins, have a history of breast cancer, especially at a young age. Certain breast changes - Having a diagnosis of atypical hyerplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or having had two or more breast biopsies for benign conditions may increase a woman's risk for developing cancer. Breast density - Women age 45 and older whose mammograms show at least 75 per cent dense tissue are at increased risk. Dense breasts contain many glands and ligaments, which makes breast tumors difficult to see and the dense tissue itself is associated with developing breast cancer. Radiation therapy - Women whose breasts were exposed to radiation during their childhood, especially those who were treated with radiation for Hodgkin's disease, are at an increased risk. Late childbearing - Women who had their first child after the age of 30 have a greater chance of developing breast cancer than women who had their children at a younger age. Early menstruation - Women who
Friday, November 22, 2019
Case study and observation research methods
Case study and observation research methods This essay will look at difference between to research methods; Case Study and Observation. Case study is the understanding of the complex issues or can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research. It is an in-depth study of an individual, group, incident or community. Case studies emphasize on the detailed analysis of the event or conditions and their relationship. Sometimes researchers use the case study method for real life situations and use sources of evidence to prove their study. First step to take in case study is to collect all data about the case and should be organised to draw attention to important points in the case. The case study’s questions are most likely to be information questions â€Å"why â€Å"and â€Å"How â€Å"therefore these questions are helpful to focus on the study’s goal. In case study researchers gather facts from different sources and conclusions is made of these facts. Here is a case study of the David’s behaviour,†David, 13 year old who has been admitted to a detention facility in California. Police reports indicate that he and another boy were arrested for breaking and entering into a private residence. David grew up in an upper middle class section of California. David’s father is a professor at a college, and his mother, is a dentist who works for a health care group. Even as a small child, David seemed unable to restrain himself. He would bound around the house, crashing into walls and objects, frequently breaking items or destroying house plants. David entered puberty at the age of 11, and at that time, his behaviours became more destructive. He frequently got in fights with his classmates, and would verbally assault teachers. His parents suspect that he may have tried smoking cigarettes and may have experimented with sniffing glue. After his arrest for breaking and entering, David began to cry and told his parents that he felt badly for what he had done. He added that he was unable to control himself.†In David’s case study which took long time to study David’s behaviour from his childhood to his teenage and in different circumstances David’s behaviour had changed and resources have been used to prove his behaviour such as his parents or police. Another example for case study research; it’s Freud’s little Hans case study, â€Å"Freud used a case study method to investigate little Hans’ Phobia however the case study was actually carried out by the boy’s father who was a friend of Freud. Freud probably only met the boy once. The father reported to Freud via correspondence and Freud gave directions as how to deal with the situation based on his interpretations of his father’s reports. Freud noted that it was the special relationship between Hans and his father that allowed the analysis to progress and for the discussions with the boy to be so detailed and so in timate. The first reports of Hans are when he was 3 years old. When Hans was almost 5, Han’s father wrote to Freud explaining his concerns about Hans. He described the main problem as follows:’ he is afraid of horse will bite him in the street, at age 19 the not so little Hans appeared at Freud’s consulting room having read his case history. Freud believed that the findings from the case little Hans supported his theories of child development.â€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Models of Communication. Communication in Organisation Essay
Models of Communication. Communication in Organisation - Essay Example It is clear enough in conventional usage, but obscure when we seek to determine the limits of its application. To illustrate, if someone talks to another and common understanding results (indicated by mutually satisfactory action), we have no qualms about saying that communication has occurred. If, however, misunderstanding results (indicated by mutually unsatisfactory action), we are uncertain whether we should say that there has been poor, or no, communication. (David, Kenneth,1970:15). Definitions of "communication" fall into two broad categories. In one category are those definitions which limit the process of communication to those stimulus-response situations in which one deliberately transmits stimuli to evoke response. In the other category are those definitions that include within the area of communication stimulus-response situations in which there need not be any intention of evoking response in the transmission of the stimuli. The second category obviously overlaps the first. (David, Kenneth,1970:16) Mathematical Model of Communication: Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver published a model; the model uses boxes and arrows to represent the communication process. However, the model is little bit complex. Box-and-arrow models of communication: This model breaks the communication strea... However, the model is little bit complex. Box-and-arrow models of communication: This model breaks the communication stream into components i.e. sender, message, and receiver and the direction of influence. In the diagram below arrows go from left to right, that is, from a sender to a receiver, the idea is that it is the sender who, through messages or speeches, brings about communication influences on the receiver. Group Communication Model: This model emphasizes on communication within an organisation i.e. the flow of messages between two individuals or within a group of people. The figure below describes the layout of the model where each circle is a person. (Models of Communication,2006) Post office model of Communication: The usually unarticulated theory of communication in Western culture focused on an alleged "transfer" of meaning from one mind to another by means of some medium. Communication is erroneously thought to be accomplished by wrapping an idea in words and sending it off to the other person, who unwraps the words and discovers the idea. (Barnett,1989:19) Schemata Model of Intercultural Communication: Generally communication requires the transmission of information from sender to receiver. Commonly, person A encodes an idea and sends it to person B who decodes it. The codes are culturally based, as is the semantic content (the meanings in each communicator's mind). When communicators come from different cultures, person A may take person B's culture into account, and encode with certain characteristics of B's codes and meanings in mind. Similarly, when decoding the message communicator B may take into account certain characteristics of person A's communication codes and semantic categories. What communicator A
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
My Learning Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Learning Styles - Assignment Example I brought a paper, pen and my laptop as tools of learning. This results from the fact that I learn in different ways and could simply come to class to listen. In line with argument, it is vital that the teacher note that students learn differently, and it is their responsibility to accommodate all types of learning styles (Green, 2014). Technology can really assist with the concept of mixed learning styles. My learning style is visual learning, as I scored 60% of the total results. I was indeed not surprised about the results and I do not think that I only use the visual learning style exclusively as the auditory and tactile styles take up 10% and 30% respectively (Lecture notes, 2015). From the results, I realized that I learn through reading and seeing pictures and I mostly recall lots of things through my pictorial memory. At most times I learn through picturing the contents in my head. Simply put, my method of learning is primarily visual and I always prefer seeing what I learn. Interestingly, being a visual learner, I am very clean and neat. In the course of learning often close my eyes to recall various aspects, and in cases when I learn without watching a visual item, I get very bored and will barely follow spoken directions, instead get distracted by sounds. Colors easily attract my attention as opposed to stories that absolutely lack imagery. So as to improve my ability to learn as a visual learner, it is recommended that I sit in front of the classroom, have regular eye checkups, use of flashcards to learn new vocabulary, code things using color as well as avoid distraction during learning. Additionally, attempts to visualize things that I hear or things that are read to me, writing down main words, ideas, or instructions and drawing pictures that help expound on new concepts and then explain the pictures may prove useful to my learning (Lecture notes, 2015). Lastly, I learn how to remember that I need to see things and not
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Health Care Associated Infections Essay Example for Free
Health Care Associated Infections Essay Did you know that healthcare associated infections are in the top ten leading causes of death in the United States? According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2010), â€Å"Healthcare-associated infections, also known as HAI’s are the most common complication of hospital care, resulting in 1.7 million infections and ninety-nine thousand deaths each year.†It is unfortunate that so many people suffer each year from infections that could be easily prevented. Slide2 Today my goal is to share some information with you about Healthcare associated infections and hopefully together we can all make a difference by reducing these alarming statistics. To start off I’m going to explain what Healthcare Associated Infections are and then I will go over the different types. Next I am going to go over a couple of the more common pathogens in healthcare associated infections. Following that I would like to talk about the preventive measure that all health care workers should be following to prevent future Healthcare associated infections. (Slide 3) According to Wilkinson and Treas (2011), A Healthcare Associated Infection is an infection related to healthcare given in any setting such as a hospital, during home-care, long-term care, and ambulatory settings. Infections may be spread from one patient to another simply because the healthcare provider failed to wash their hands or wear the proper personal protective equipment. Infections are also commonly spread by devises used during a medical procedure and anything else the patient may come in contact with that has not been properly cleaned such as a call bell or side rail. For instance say you have a patient with MRSA and one of their family members leave the room failing to wash their hands, goes to the front desk to ask for a glass of water for the patient in the mean time she placed her contaminated hands on the desk. Following that a nurse stops by the front desk also placing her hands on the desk then goes in to see a patient and fails to wash her hands prior to patient contact. Now we have just spread the infection and sadly another patient has acquired a healthcare associated infections. Patients whom acquire healthcare associated infections typically have longer duration of recovery time and medical cost are increased drastically. There are many different types of Healthcare Associated Infections, there is Surgical Site Infection (SSI), Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI), catheter associated infection (UTI), and ventilator associated phenomena (VAP). (Slide 4) Surgical Site Infection A surgical site infection, also known as SSI, is an infection that occurs after surgery in whatever part of a person’s body that the surgery took place. There are three main types of SSI’s. There is superficial incision SSI, which transpires between the integument and subcutaneous tissue. Next is deep incision SSI, taking place at deep tissues such as muscles. The third type is called organ/space SSI, which occurs inside the body at an organ or the open space inside the body around the surgical site. All Surgical infections typically occur within thirty days of the surgical procedure expect in cases of implants, which then surgical site infections can take place with in one year. According to the Center of Disease Control (2012), infections develop in about 1 to 3 out of every 100 patients who have surgery. These infections are not only lengthening hospital stays, but adding unnecessary medical expenses, and are also responsible for unnecessary deaths and long-term disa bilities. (Slide 5) CLABSI Another type of Healthcare associated infection occurs at a central line also known as a catheter line, which is a tube used to draw blood, give medication or fluids through a large vein such as the jugular vein or subcalavian vein. A central line associated blood stream infection is caused when bacteria, or any type of germ enters the blood from the central line, which then causes an infection in the blood stream. –Slide 6- According to The American Surgeon (2011) Nosocomial blood stream infections are one of the leading causes of death in United States hospitals. As stated in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012), In 2011 there were thirty-seven central line associated blood stream infections reported at Halifax Health Medical Center. (Slide 7) CA-UTI A different type of Healthcare related infection is a catheter associated urinary track infection. This type of infection occurs when the patient has a urinary catheter in place and bacteria or fungus travel up the tubing. The infection can take place any where in the urinary system from the urethra to the kidneys. The longer the patient has the catheter in place the more they are at risk for getting a UTI. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that one in ever two thousand patients who were cared for at Bert Fish Memorial in New Smyrna Beach acquired a catheter associated infection. (Slide 8) VAP Then there are the ventilator-associated phenomena’s, which is an infection that occurs in the lungs due to contaminated ventilation equipment. Patients who are on ventilators are already weakened due to another form of illness and their immune systems are typically compromised making it difficult for their bodies to cope with trying to fight yet another issue. According to Wilkinson and Treas (2011), ventilator associated infection are associated with high mortality rate. Last year alone there were approximately thirty-six thousand reported cases of ventilator-associated infections. (Slide 9) Pathogens Two of the more common types of pathogens in nosocomial infections are Coagulase-negative staphylococci also known as CoNS and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also known at MRSA. CoNS typically causes catheter related ifections since catheters are not easly removed and cleaned it often makes it complicated to treat. CoNS are also known to be resistant to most forms of antibiotics. According to the European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology Infectious Diseases (2011), CoNS infection prolongs treatment with antibiotics and hospital stay by approximately twelve days or up to two and a half weeks. MRSA is a staph germ that is difficult to cure. If MRSA enters the blood stream it can spread any where through out the body, including bones, and organs. According to Clinical Infectious Disease (2012) MRSA infections kill nineteen thousand hospitalized American patients annually. Out of all the MRSA cases, 86% of them are healthcare aquired. (Slide 10) Preventive measures All of these infections could be prevented if we take initiative to follow the proper protocol. One the simplest and most important preventive measures is washing your hands before and after entering a client’s room. Sadly many health providers fail to do this. These infections could be prevented as long as the healthcare team uses proper aseptic techniques. In 2010 Florida’s Department of Health started up a program called the HAI prevention program. One of their main goals is to prevent and decrease the healthcare related infection rates in Florida’s hospitals and long-term care facilities. With in a five-year period the US Department of Health and Human Services plans on reducing Blood stream infections in Florida by 50-70%. That’s a good start, but I believe we should all strive to eliminate all healthcare related infections. A few preventive measures are, if a medical supply accidentally becomes contaminated through it out and start fresh, as soon as our patients are well enough to have catheters removed notify the doctor so that they can be removed promptly, and always wash your hands before and after patient contact and remind others to wash their hands as well. (Slide 11) Conclusion In closing I am sad to say it, but many healthcare providers are in violation of the first rule of health care, Do No Harm. Our patients are coming to us to be relieved of their illnesses not to acquire new ones. So if we could all just follow the simple preventive measures such as washing our hands before and after assisting our patients we all can make a difference. Just think that fifteen seconds it took you to wash your hands may have just saved a life. References Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010) Ending healthcare-associated infections. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/haicusp.htm Boucher, H. Corey, R. (2008). Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Oxford Journals. 46(5), 344-349. Retrieved from http://cid.oxfordjournals.org Florida state plan to address healthcare-associated infections. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/pdfs/stateplans/fl.pdf Kordek, A. (2011). Concentrations of procalcitonin and C-reactive protein, white blood cell count, and the immature-to-total neutrophil ratio in the blood of neonates with nosocomial infections: Gram-negative bacilli vs coagulase-negative staphylococci. European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology Infectious Diseases: Official Publication Of The European Society Of Clinical Microbiology, 30(3), 455-457. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/ Smith, J., Egger, M., Franklin, G., Harbrecht, B., Richardson, J. (2011). Central line- associated blood stream infection in the critically ill trauma patient. The American Surgeon, 77(8), 1038-1042. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost Wilkinson. Treas. (2011). Fundamentals Of Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Psychological Damage Inflicted by the Residential School System Essay
First Nations children suffered many forms of abuse at the hands of the Canadian Government (Oh, Canada!) under the guise of residential schools. The purposes of the residential schools were to remove First Nations children from the influence of their families and cultures, and to intergrade them into the dominant culture (The Residential School System). This was done under the assumption that First Nations culture was lesser, â€Å"to kill the Indian in the child†as it was commonly said. The children were forcibly separated from their families to live in year-round schools where they were taught â€Å"white man†curriculum, with a two-month vacation time, completely separated from their Aboriginal heritage and forbidden from speaking their own languages (The Residential School System). If these rules, along with many others, were broken the punishments were severe (Oh, Canada!). Residential school survivors spoke of their horrible abuse during their time at the school s, including: sexual, physical and psychological (The Psychological and Intergenerational Impacts of the Indian Residential School System). The students received an inferior education, usually only taught up to grade five, training them for manual labor jobs (The Residential School System). The residential school system undermined First Nations culture and disrupted families for generations, leaving severe psychological damage in not only the survivors but also their families and the following generations (The Psychological and Intergenerational Impacts of the Indian Residential School System). Many students grew up without experiencing a family life, never gaining the experience and knowledge necessary to raise a family of their own. The effects of the schools were far reac... ...Jonathan Dewar, and Glen Lowry. Ottawa, Ont.: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2012. Print. "Oh, Canada!" Cultural Survival. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Brasfield, C. â€Å"Residential school syndrome.†BC Medical Journal. Vol 43(2), March 2001. Pp. 78-81 Rita Flamand. Speaking My Truth: Reflections on Reconciliation & Residential School. Ed. Shelagh Rogers, Mike DeGagnà ©, Jonathan Dewar, and Glen Lowry. Ottawa, Ont.: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2006. Print. "The Psychological and Intergenerational Impacts of the Indian Residential School System." Indian Residential Schools Commemoration Project. Anishinabek Nation, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. "The Residential School System." Indigenous Foundations. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Walker, Julian. "The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission." Parliament of Canada. N.p., 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Johnny Man: Widening Views
This essay will look at and research a cardinal text ( The Saber Tooth Curriculum ) . It will put out to research and critically reexamine Harold Benjamins renowned sarcasm on the educational and curriculum system of a supposedly Palaeolithic folk. The essay will make statements within the text and associate this to the instruction system of Britain in both an academic and vocational scene. It will look at the educational model for 14 to 19 twelvemonth olds and how this relates to the text in inquiry. The essay focuses on the 14 to 19 models of secondary schools, as this is the field in which I teach in. It will place womb-to-tomb larning through vocational instruction of building and how â€Å" Truly Useful Knowledge †is being used in the Saber Tooth Curriculum and the Construction industry today. The Saber Tooth Curriculum was written against the background of inharmoniousness in America. They had merely come out of the depression as a consequence of roar and flop epoch. Ha rold Benjamin was an educationist who had fought in the Fist World War and became a advocate of educational reform through his anonym J.Abner Peddiwell. The Saber Tooth Curriculum imagines the first educational system that is set up in Palaeolithic period by a tribesman called New-Fist-Hammer-Maker. He had gained his name by like an expert doing a tool that would be highly good to the endurance of himself and his folk, Benjamin, J ( 1971, p7 ) states ; ‘New Fist gained his name and considerable local prestigiousness by bring forthing one of these artifacts in a less unsmooth and more utile signifier than any antecedently known to his folk ‘ . The writer has used New-Fist-Hammer-Maker as the footing of his narrative and the message he is seeking to state. Through his advanced tool doing accomplishments, he is seen as the intellectual of the group, and his thought and thirst for cognition are highlighted in the first transitions of the narrative, Benjamin, H ( 1971, p8 ) states ; ‘He began to catch glances of ways in which life might be made better for himself, his household, and his group. By virtuousness of this development, he became a unsafe adult male ‘ . The beginnings of New-Fists instruction for his kids and folk, evolves around the demand for security, comfort and nutrient. The simple undertaking of feeding his kids, himself and the folk was identified three classs of course of study: fish grabbing with au naturel custodies, woolly Equus caballus clubbing and saber tooth tiger frightening with fire. Through this course of study the kids had learnt the valuable lessons that would give them advantage over their equals. It was non long before the whole folk had learnt the three basicss of the course of study and for a clip they were secure and safe because of the instruction. One could tie in or compare the course of study New-Fist introduced into his folk, to the instruction system of secondary instruction and vocational instruction in today ‘s universe. The Education Act of 1944 by Winston Churchill ‘s Conservative Government, heralded free instruction to the multitudes. The course of study would hold involved the three R ‘s which would hold been Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. By analyzing these basicss pupils were judged to hold been given a good, if non just instruction to come on into a productive life. It is this foundation in Britain ‘s instruction system that reflects New- Fists course of study of fish catching with au naturel custodies, woolly Equus caballus clubbing and saber tooth tiger frightening with fire. Benjamin, H ( 1971, p12 ) states ; ‘The best trained horse-clubbers of the folk went out twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours and employed the most efficient techniques taught in the schools, but twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours they returned unrewarded. A Equus caballus clubbing instruction of the highest type could acquire no consequences when there were no Equus caballuss to club ‘ . As clip goes by the age old course of study of fish catching with au naturel custodies, woolly Equus caballus clubbing and saber tooth tiger frightening with fire is being called into inquiry because new ways of lasting were needed. The butchery of all the natural resources, biological promotion of a species and the onset ice age, forced the folk to contrive new technological betterments in their endurance accomplishments. As new ways were found to catch fish, traping antelope and capturing bears, the old course of study was sought to be out of day of the month by the bulk of the folk. The groups in the group opposed the seniors and questioned the techniques and learning which were seen to be irrelevant. One could pull analogues with this statement in the past and present instruction system, which has its values in the Thatcher Government of 1979 and the debut of the National Curriculum and all the proficient progresss that have been made since. Prior to the National Curriculum schools were able to learn â€Å" what †and â€Å" how †they wanted. It was an independent clip for instructors and all that were involved in the profession of instruction. The educational model of Britain had non changed since the debut of General Certificate of Education Ordinary degree makings, and the Advanced GCE degree in 1951. It was non until the early 1960 ‘s that the Certificate of Secondary Educa tion was introduced, as the O ‘ Levels were deemed to be excessively hard for the bulk of province instruction. The debut of Margaret Thatcher in 1979 can be seen as the major alteration to the educational system in Britain, and the continuance of that subject in Tony Blair ‘s New Labour in 1997. Thatcher sought to revolutionize the old model of O degrees and present an up to day of the month General Certificate of Education. Harmonizing to Kelly, A ( 1994 ) this new making would integrate all the new technological progresss and give pupils the cognition, accomplishments and abilities to come on into the wider universe of employment and the beginning of womb-to-tomb acquisition. As clip has gone by the purportedly radical making set up under Thatcher, has itself come under oppugning and go the old guard. Tomlinsons Report in 2004 on course of study reform had put frontward a extremist shingle up of the whole making model for 14 to 19 twelvemonth olds. The writer has identified and differentiated vocational preparation and instruction through the senior ‘s stance on course of study alteration. One could pull analogues with the seniors and the building industry and house edifice because the necessity to construct and build a warm, stable and unafraid environment has been cardinal to our endurance since the beginning of clip, from the dark ages to the in-between ages and to the present twenty-four hours. As one coevals passes the learnt accomplishments from one to the other, cognition is being transferred and in clip expanded. As history progresses the manner in which one constructs their houses will alter with manner, manners and thoughts of the clip. Through this all the accomplishments that are learnt through new thoughts and manners are passed onto the following coevals of skilled craftsman. House edifice and building has been portion of the fiction of society, and the manner in which learners have been taught has evolved f rom that. Knowledge of constructing different ways has ever been fixed but what is â€Å" Truly Useful Knowledge †are of all time altering, depending on the Government enterprises, Sector skills Councils and the policy shapers of the clip. Presently the building industries have undergone a major reconsideration of all their makings and through authorities reform and support, issues have had to accommodate. The writer has brought the statement between instruction and preparation and how one is clearly different from the other, the groups in the folk are reasoning for an inspection and repair of their seemingly out of touch patterns fish catching with au naturel custodies, woolly Equus caballus clubbing and saber tooth tiger frightening with fire. The groups are reasoning for instruction to reflect what is go oning in the outside universe and to maintain up to day of the month with technological progresss. Through the seniors the statement for the course of study is based around societal duties, progressive acquisition and cardinal cognition, Benjamin, H ( 1971, p15 ) states ; â€Å" We do n't learn fish-grabbing to catch fish ; we teach it to develop a generalised legerity which can ne'er to developed by mere preparation. We do n't learn horse-clubbing to club Equus caballuss ; we teach it to develop a generalised strength in the scholar which he can ne'er acquire from so matter-of-fact and specialised a thing as antelope-snaring. We do n't learn tiger-scaring to frighten Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams ; we teach it for the intent of giving that baronial bravery which carries over into all the personal businesss of life and which can ne'er come from so basal an activity as bear-killing. †The same statements environing the course of study for 14 to 19 old ages olds are still being asked today, with relevancy to the pupil ‘s abilities to go forth instruction being to the full equipped with the right cognition to come on into employment, preparation and womb-to-tomb acquisition. The writer has used a journalistic manner of composing he writes in a manner that high spots and sensationalises New-Fist-Hammer-Maker ‘s expertness in doing good hunting tools for illustration Benjamin, J. ( 1971, p7 ) states ; ‘New Fist gained his name and considerable local prestigiousness by bring forthing one of these artifacts in a less unsmooth and more utile signifier than any antecedently known to his folk ‘ . The writer Benjamin has used a scope of affectional and descriptive linguistic communication to depict his narrative of a Palaeolithic tribe.Benjamin, H. ( p7 ) states ; ‘New-Fist pushed himself beyond those lengths to the point where thinking was inevitable ‘ . By puting New- Fist apart from his fellow folk Benjamin, H ( p7 ) states ; ‘He would gaze moodily at the flickering fires and inquire about assorted parts of his environment until he eventually got to the point where he became strongly dissatisfied with the accustomed ways of his folk ‘ . The whole narrative is set in a metaphor for life through instruction and those that administer what is â€Å" Truly Useful Knowledge †. The metaphor used by the folk is that instruction is the foundation for life itself and this can non be replaced by manner, manner, technological progresss and alteration in attitudes. The writer has used a simplistic manner to state the narrative of â€Å" The First Great Education Thinker â€Å" in maintaining with the narrative line itself. He has tried to prosecute all that read it foremost a apparently simple journey about a folk and their beginnings of an instruction system which has undertones of irony, sarcasm and a lingua in cheek attitude, Goodland, J argues ( xxviii,2004 ) that ; ‘However the cardinal defeat expressed satirically by Harold Benjamin in the Saber Tooth Curriculum was caused by the broad spread between the prevailing pattern what was executable ; between the best and poorest patterns ; between the verbal committednesss to instruction and the existent support it received ; between the pressing demand and the response ‘ . The writer has used dyslogistic words throughout the Saber Tooth Curriculum to cynically state the narrative of New-Fist and his folk. He has stigmatised, mocked and stereotyped the bulk of the folk and those that ab initio go against the new instruction system. In decision the Saber Tooth Curriculum was seeking to place how the universe was altering in its technological progresss. Harold Benjamin was sardonically naming into inquiry, course of study alteration and the different sides that opposed it. Benjamin has used a metaphor for the narrative and how instruction is the beginning of cognition and the necessity to construct on that cognition to convey about alteration and future prosperity. Britain is in a clasp of fiscal instability and the hereafter looks unsure for employment, preparation, instruction and life long larning. Britain and the state are fixing for a general election and the possibility of a alteration of Government looms. The Saber Tooth Curriculum and its satirical statements and arousing inquiries are still apparent in today ‘s Britain. The Saber Tooth Curriculum poses the thought of cognition as being fixed and ne'er changing and instruction being inactive and unmoveable. This in my position is a romantic and naif position of the universe through rose tinted spectacless. Educational alteration is a positive measure, merely if it is being changed for the good of the people and non by policy shapers or politicians. Bibliography Benjamin, H. ( 1971 ) The Saber Tooth Curriculum in The Curriculum ; Content Design and Development. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Benjmain, H ( 2004 ) The Saber Tooth Curriculum The book that Changed the manner we look at Education. United States: McGraw-Hill. Kelly, V. ( 1994 ) . The National Curriculum A Critical Review. Newcastle upon Tyne: Sage Publications This essay sets out to place how the thought of modernism and postmodernism tantrums into the instruction system of Britain. It will seek to detect how instruction foremost began from the enlightenment period in the 19th century up to the present twenty-four hours. This essay will foreground the alterations that have taken topographic point in instruction, and how vocational instruction, and the beginnings of womb-to-tomb acquisition has taken root in todays province instruction system. The beginning of the instruction system in Europe and its ideals and beliefs have stemmed from faith and the church. From the really beginning of the spiritual beliefs, followings and adherents would hold required the cognition and accomplishments to read and follow instructions from the Christian religion. The Gallic revolution in1848 played an of import function in finding the enlightenment and modernistic thoughts. Prior to the Gallic revolution the sovereign, authorities curates, church clergy and the old guard were the most powerful influences on society. The enlightenment undertaking had split from the instructions and beliefs of the church and religion and placed its values in ground, scientific findings, human nature, not spiritual thoughts, free thoughts and rational thought. The enlightenment period would be a revolution of thoughts that emanated from the old thoughts of the in-between ages, and faith and the church being the fount of all cognition. Out of the Enlightenment period Modernity was born towards the terminal of the 19th century and they would hold viewed the universe as scientific, based on cosmopolitan truths, logical thought of cognition and objectiveness. This was a move off from trust on religion to ground merely accepting cognition if their was cogent evidence of a move into modernness Bron, A ( 2002, p42 ) states ; ‘Modernism has, of class, many dimensions but cardinal to its beliefs was the emancipatory potency of peculiar signifiers of cognition. Reason and scientific discipline were to be applied to human personal businesss, every bit good as to the natural universe, replacing God as the premier footing for human improvement and societal advancement ‘ . Modernity mirrored capitalist economy and the province did non endeavor for instruction of the multitudes to derive societal equality but to do the state prosper economically. The industrial revolution went some manner to alter thoughts about cognition, instruction and preparation as workers were going more skilled and the necessity to read and compose was evident. For the bulk of people, instruction was seen to be for the privileged few, up until the terminal of the Second World War. Education of this clip was based on a three grade system that included Secondary Moderns, Grammar and Technical Schools. The instruction of the bulk of the state was left down to the instructors, pedagogues and caputs of the educational establishment, authorities and curates were non involved in the â€Å" what †and â€Å" how â€Å" to learn kids. The instruction of the clip would hold been based around reading, composing, arithmetic, spiritual instruction and vocational topics like woodwork, needlecraft and metalwork. This would hold reflected a hidebound position of instruction instead than a modernist attack. While the move towards modernness had begun, many schools still remained traditionally based around the church. Kelly, V ( 1994, p24 ) argues ; ‘In most societies deliberate efforts are made to utilize the educational system to advance certain sorts of societal and political values- and spiritual values excessively, since it is apparent that the monolithic part of the churches development of instruction Al proviso over the old ages, along with their close engagement in the planning and direction of schools and colleges ‘ These pupils would non hold left school without a making but may hold been awarded a certification of school accomplishment. As instruction progressed into the 1950 ‘s The General Certificate of Education Ordinary degree makings and the Advanced GCE degree making were introduced into mainstream instruction. Harmonizing to the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, the Certificate of Secondary Education ( CSE ) was introduced in the 1960 ‘s to provide for a wider spectrum of pupils. The grounds behind this was that the bulk of pupils were non able to finish the elitist O Levels and A Levels, as the scrutinies and procedures were excessively far making for the ordinary kid. The modernistic attack towards instruction system had non changed since the debut of the 1944 Education Act under Churchill ‘s Government, until the debut of the Margaret Thatcher Government in 1979. The station modernistic motion has come from a reaction against Modernism. This would hold been reflected in our civilization and, whether that is the humanistic disciplines, literature or architecture, these have stemmed from a feeling of alteration in our society. The first universe has evolved and moved on from the beginnings of capitalist economy and industrialism. Managerialism and the move off from the single instructor keeping power in what they taught their pupils, to the province make up one's minding what should be taught. Technology, whole sale capitalist economy, denationalization, globalization would boom in the station modern universe, which had its roots at the terminal of the Second World War. Harmonizing to Usher, R ( 1996, P2 ) it is really hard to pigeon hole instruction with Postmodernism and goes onto province ; ‘Historically, instruction can be seen as the vehicle by which modernness ‘s ‘grand narrations ‘ , the enlightenment ideals of important ground, single freedom, advancement and benevolent alteration, are substantiated and realised ‘ Since the Introduction of Margaret Thatcher and her Conservative party in 1979 they had sought to alter the instruction system in Britain, with the Education Act 1988, a new Curriculum was born. The construction of the old making for primary and secondary schools were deemed to be out of touch. The General Certificate of Education Ordinary degree makings were to be abolished and replaced by The General Certificate of Secondary Education, Usher, R ( 1996, p25 ) states ; ‘Education is itself traveling through profound alterations in footings of intents, contents and methods, alterations are themselves an facet of the uncertainnesss of the postmodern minute ‘ . And goes on to province ; ‘Thus postmodernism becomes portion of the course of study, incorporated into the modern pattern of instruction ‘ . The National Curriculum had put the Government at the head of educational development. It had moved policy devising and educational alteration into a centrally planned system. The National Curriculum had identified that pupils would be broken down into cardinal phases, so that they could analyze the patterned advance and attainment marks from each cardinal phase, from an appraisal defined by the authorities. Another cardinal alteration was the distinction of topics into nucleus and foundation topics. The nucleus topics would be based around Mathematics, English and Sciences and Kelly, V ( 1994, p24 ) argues ; ‘Thus English has to come known more frequently as ‘ linguistic communication ‘ , as instructors have come to concentrate on the development of the students ability to utilize linguistic communication for thought and for speaking every bit good as for authorship, and, in the procedure of this alteration, there has been some loss of accent on grammatical constructions, on punctuation and, in general, on the mechanics of the English linguistic communication ‘ . The Governments concluding to alter the course of study, was to maintain in line with the postmodern universe and its rivals. Harmonizing to Kelly, A ( 1994 ) the demand to educate and develop pupils to go portion of society through employment and economic growing was paramount to the ideals of the Government. The beginnings of life long acquisition for 14 to 19 twelvemonth olds can be seen In 2004 by Mike Tomlinson study on the 14-19 reform of instruction which was commissioned by Tony Blair ‘s Labour Party following on from his â€Å" Education, Education, Education †rhetoric. The proposed alteration of course of study is really much centred on immature pupils going grownups within the making model, therefore seting them on the first measure of life long larning. The alteration in ideals and aspiration between New Labour and the Conservative Party it had superseded could be seen as an extension of the former government. Mike Tomlinson had advocated a complete shingle up of the current making model of G.C.S.E ‘S and A Level making. Harmonizing to Tomlinson ( 2004, p4 ) the reform was needed to ; ‘Raise engagement and accomplishment, strengthen vocational paths, provide greater stretch and challenge, acquire the rudimentss right ( English, maths, ICT ) cut down the appraisal load, and do the system more crystalline and easier to understand ‘ . Since 2004 Vocational instruction has been introduced into secondary school, constructing people into the universe of work non modernism instruction for instruction interest. The overplus of classs now available to school kids from the age of 14 old ages old, scope from Construction, Horticulture, Catering, Creative Media, Motor Mechanics, Engineering, Hair, Beauty, Outdoor instruction etc. This continuance of the altering face of instruction falls in line with Jarvis ( 2004, p32 ) ; ‘With this rapid alteration, it is about impossible to see cognition as a truth any more- we are now speaking about something that is comparative and can be changed once more every bit shortly as some new find is made ‘ . Although vocational instruction has reached many more pupils in secondary schools Tomlinson ‘s, sweeping alteration of the making model for 14-19 twelvemonth olds has been watered down and have been partly introduced. In decision the argument and statements environing Modernism and Post Modernism in our society have been ongoing since the debut of the thought. Mod positions replaced the ideals of the church, and cognition being placed into scientific findings and truths as the universe was altering. The thoughts of Modernism and Postmodernism took assorted signifiers in architecture, art, literature and instruction, and it could be argued that postmodernism is merely another signifier of modernism, and one is an extension of the other. As the essay has shown cognition is of all time traveling and altering and the instruction of our society reflects that cultural and ideological motion. Bibliography Bron, A. , Schemmann, M. ( 2002 ) . Social Science Theories in Adult Education Research. New Brunswick ( USA ) : Transaction Publishers. Jarvis, P. ( 2001 ) The age of larning. London: Kogan Page. Kelly, V. ( 1994 ) . The National Curriculum A Critical Review. Newcastle upon Tyne: Sage Publications Usher, R. , Edwards, R. ( 1996 ) . Postmodernism And Education. Great Britain, Chatham: Routledge. Department of Education and Skills. ( 2004 ) 14-19 Curriculum and Qualifications Reform. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.dcsf.gov.uk/14-19/documents/Final % 20Report.pdf ( Accessed: 1st April 2010 ) The essay will place a modern-day thought within instruction, Marketisation, and how it has affected the direction of schools and how they have changed their political orientation and construction because of it. It will turn up how the school ethos and their long term plans fits into womb-to-tomb acquisition. The essay will foreground the alterations in authorities and how they have affected instruction and place cardinal constabularies within that. The debut of the Conservative authorities under Margaret Thatcher in the 1970 ‘s changed Britain and its nucleus values in footings of its national industries, instruction and the wellness service. Before the Conservative Government Secondary schools were able to learn its ain course of study and make up one's mind what â€Å" Truly Useful Knowledge †was for their pupils. It was in the epoch of instructors being independent and at the Centre of pupils larning. The course of study of schools from the1950 ‘s to the1970 à ¢â‚¬Ëœs harmonizing to Matheson, D ( 2008 ) , did non hold a common nucleus course of study and was able to take their ain standards for learning. Schools were able to learn what they decided and how they were traveling to learn. Schooling of the 1950 ‘s and the 1970 ‘s gave power to instructors in the schoolroom. They could take their ain reading stuff, doctrine and the manner they taught the kids. The Thatcher Government and its political orientations and values had crushed the brotherhoods in its chase of merchandising of Britain ‘s National industries and interrupting the spirit of all those that stood behind it. The thought of denationalization was introduced under Thatcher ‘s Conservatives and Education did non get away their implicit in influences, Randle, K argues that ( 2000, pp140 ) ‘The New mangerialsim can be characterised as a manner of direction which emerged in the UK in the early 1980 ‘s and bit by bit distribute throughout the Public Sector. It began with the civil service in the aftermath of the Rayner Scritinities and the Financial Management Initiative ( Metcalf and Richards. 1987 ) and has since been established in local governments, the BBC, the NHS and the Education Sector ‘ . Prior to Thatcher all secondary schools and farther instruction colleges were under the control of Local Educational Authorities, but Thatcher had given all secondary schools the license to go Masterss of their ain fate if they so desired, and enter into the concern universe of instruction. Secondary Schools were now portion of this new universe of denationalization, marketisation and Thatcherism. Kelly, A ( 1994, p48 ) states ; ‘It is possibly deserving observing foremost the commercial imagination that is a characteristic of much of the 1988 Acts back uping certification. We read of the suppliers of instruction, of the ‘delivery ‘ of the course of study, of ‘machinery ‘ for carry throughing this and that, of the ‘users ‘ of the system, of its ‘consumers ‘ , of our rivals and so on ‘ . The 1988 Education Reform Act would turn out to be instrumental in both, the manner in which schools and farther instruction colleges were funded. The National Curriculum was introduced into province instruction in 1988 so the Government could determine the patterned advance of all secondary schools in England. The debut of the National Curriculum conference tabular arraies and SATS were shortly to follow. In countries of the state that still have Grammar Schools, Comprehensive and Secondary Moderns viing against each other, the National Curriculum set up under Thatcher would ever be a stumbling block for the under acting schools that would be at the underside of the conference tabular arraies. With the oncoming of Marketisation and Managerialism of instruction, Secondary Schools like The Community College Whitstable would hold to accommodate to the altering values of instruction. Schools have had to alter the set up of their managerial doctrines and go more in melody with the fundss of their establishment. The direction squad at The Community College Whitstable is set up as a concern with the Managing Director at the top or the Head and the Teachers at the underside in what could be described as a Christmas tree formation. The caput will hold their senior direction squad below her, and 2 Deputy Heads and the main Finance Officer as their closest confidantes. From the instructor at the bottom one will hold to see one degree above before he or she can talk to the Head. Through this concatenation of bid the Head instructor will be able to study and supervise the school and how it performs both financially and academically. For schools such as The Community College Whitstable, pulling a steady flow of pupils twelvemonth on twelvemonth is critical as the pupils represent a fiscal addition. The conference tabular arraies are all of import for possible new pupils and the patterned advance up the conference is paramount. Harmonizing to Ofsted Report ( 2000 ) The Commu nity College Whitstable had underperformed academically in 1997, 98, 99, which show that they was in the bottom five per cent of schools. The Oftsed Reports in 2006 and 2009 have non shown much advancement from the early yearss of the transmutation of the Sir William Nottidge to The Community College Whitstable. The grounds for this can be seen in the unjust disadvantage of the choice policy and competition from other schools in the Kent country. Hill, D ( 2001, p12 ) backs up this statement ; ‘New Labour policy and discourse on instruction, on schooling in peculiar, shows both continuities and differences with Thatcherism. The major continuities are a scope of low public outgo, denationalization, and the care of a selective, specializer and exclusionary instruction system ‘ . The outlooks from instructors to execute, educate and train pupils to go through test has non been greater as instructors public presentation degrees are linked into the school â€Å" mangerialism †. Teachers are bound to the schools with annual reappraisals on their public presentation direction, which are centred on the schools aspiration on accomplishment. Through these public presentation direction reviews instructors are assessed and a annual increase of their wage is paid. The 14-19 docket and the present authorities policies and support have had an impact on all secondary schools, they are no longer happy to allow their pupils travel to the local farther instruction colleges or elsewhere. The policy to maintain pupils past the compulsory age, are apparent at The Community College Whitstable, as the figure of station compulsory pupils have risen each twelvemonth, from 11 in 2000 to 117 in 2009. The chance of maintaining pupils station 16 are seen as a must for The Community College Whitstable. The growing of 6th signifier can be seen as instruction for instructions sake, as the consumption of pupils into 6th signifier can be seen as an unfastened door policy for fiscal addition, Evans, K. ( 2000, p126 ) argues ; ‘Currently, both the FEFC and TEC support theoretical accounts is target driven. If we add in the force per unit areas on schools to make full their sixth signifiers with pupils who will accomplish and, hence, hike their schools standing in the conference tabular arraies, we can see that, at local degree, the construct of partnership in station 16 instruction and preparation market is non based on lovingness and sharing ‘ . As one can measure the debut of womb-to-tomb acquisition is really of import to secondary schools, which no longer sees themselves as merely mandatory instruction but establishments of larning. As each pupil represents money and are costed into the budget for the fiscal twelvemonth it is imperative to prolong the pupil Numberss. Not merely are secondary schools viing with other educational establishments they are besides mercantile establishments for outreach Centres such as Learn Direct. The Community College Whitstable has incorporated the Learn Direct into their substructure, which caters for a broad scope of educational classs, either online or as a bead in Centre. These Centres are cardinal for womb-to-tomb propensity or those that do non desire to come in mainstream instruction. Such enterprises are instrumental in the new managerialism and marketisation of secondary schools such as The Community College Whitstable. In decision Marketisation of schools and Further Education are straight linked to the Margaret Thatcher ‘s Conservative Government of the late 70 ‘s and early 80 ‘s. The extremist shingle up of the national establishments from denationalization, and the interruption up of trade brotherhoods and the planetary economic system have had a immense impact on the instruction system. Despite the alteration in Governments, the on-going conflict for the right instruction system is still being sought after. Secondary schools such as The Community College Whitstable have become concerns in instruction in their ain right and will hold to accommodate and continually alteration with the air current of power. Secondary schools will and make play an of import portion in Lifelong Learning as they are the foundations for all our acquisition.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Movie, from the Sociological Perspective
Sarah Chesno Sociology 101 November 1, 2012 Extra Credit The movie â€Å"Saw:†focuses on a madman who sees himself as a vigilante and takes justice into his own hands by torturing his victims on both a mental and psychological level. The movie opens up to the scene of two men on the outsides of a bloody victim in a dirty bathroom floor. Jigsaw’s plot was to have one man decide who shall live and who shall be the first to see death. The Jigsaw Killer showed acts of deviance by using entrapments, manipulation, and psychological and physical infliction of pain upon his victims.To elaborate on why the Jigsaw is deviant is because he likes to manipulate almost every detail in his games. He manipulates the environment so the only means to escape are through torturous games testing far beyond the limit a human being can endure. The victims are almost always drugged in some way only to wake up within an environment where Jigsaw pulls all of the strings like a puppet master. As one officer describe Jigsaw in the movie, he â€Å"liked to book himself front row seats to his own sick little games. There is one type of social class that constantly shows up in the movie and that is the middle class folks. One of the people, which is a doctor named Dr. Lawrence Gordon. During the movie the audience learned that he had a wife and small child, possibly 5 year. They resided in a house that was mansion side, making him a middle class maybe an upper class family. Another main character that was in the movie was a person named Adam, he lower-mid class.There was a scene in the movie that showed his apartment. Adam’s apartment was a little run down as from what the camera was showing. There was a mix of different races and ethnicity's in the movie. Often these victims would wake up trapped in the â€Å"games†of a genius engineer. Amanda which is white female who was shown towards the beginning of the movie who woke up contraptions attached to her head w hich the killer called â€Å"the reverse bear trap†or the â€Å"the death mask†.Another victim that went through something similar is when the Asian, who was named Detective Steven Sing had this head blown to little pieces when he was trying to go after the Jigsaw killer to bring him to justice. A little time before that happened the African American named Detective David Tapp who was trying to do the same thing by bringing the killer to justice had his neck sliced, but lived, however later on we see him again losing his life. All races such as Asian, white and African American did lose their life only because they had to play the game and decide who will be the one to go.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
David Walker on Liberation from Slavery essays
David Walker on Liberation from Slavery essays David Walker led a radical life characterized by devout zealousness in voicing slavery as atrocious and striving for ultimate manumission for his brethren. Walker's mother was free from slavery that meant David was also free. According to North Carolina law during slavery, children inherited the status of their mother. The fact that David was a free man magnifies his love for his African brethren by spending most of his life as an educated abolitionist. "He assisted the Underground Railroad and was known to provide money and clothes to people coming to town who had successfully evaded capture" (Turner 12). Walker's charismatic personality aided him in extending his sincere, heartfelt thoughts, ideas and observations to his fellow brethren. He approached the topic of liberation from slavery by writing the Appeal. He wrote to enlighten the minds of African Americans focusing on issues of the avaricious, white American who practiced tyrannical iniquity that has afflicted his brethren fo r hundreds of years. David Walker's approach of liberation from slavery has advantages and disadvantages insofar that it depends on the reader's status and worldview. Furthermore and hypothetically speaking, the reader is a slave owner than consequently, they would be extremely agitated with Walker and want him killed, hence a disadvantage to Walker's approach. On the contrary, suppose a slave, although illegal for African Americans to read, gathered the information comprised in the Appeal. As a result, the Appeal would instill the servilities with a fiery motivation to diminish the ignorance and yearn to be free, hence an advantage to Walker's approach. Disadvantages to Walker's approach most definitely came into effect when the Appeal made it into the hands of the white, slave owner. In 1826, Walker resided in Boston owning a small shop where he sold clothes. Apparently, Walker would sew a copy of the Appeal into the clothes he sold, so the literature ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Harley Davidson Cultural impact of media on women Research Paper
Harley Davidson Cultural impact of media on women - Research Paper Example People are easily updated with the happenings around them through those media as writers, bloggers, newscasters and columnists relay the information to the viewers. Sometimes those relayed information may not be the whole truth at all as sometimes works of fiction do affect the rituals and culture of people. Massive influence may be achieved through mass media and sometimes those become the avenue for negativities in the society to flourish. The widespread of the influence of the negative practices in the society may be attributed to the media that may be intentional or unintentional. It is considered as intentional when people truly want to influence others with their deeds and beliefs that may pose risks and hazards to the society and considered as crimes. Other activities that may be seen in media but are not considered crimes but may challenge the border that separates the morally acceptable beliefs and immoral ones. The cases that may arise from mass media that are in the bounda ry of right and wrong are the issues of gender and sexuality, abortion, euthanasia, divorce, no religious affiliation, and roles in the society. In particular, the paper will talk about the effects of media to the lives of women especially in the cultural aspect. Harley Davidson would be the subject for the media effects on women as that company endorses motorcycles and how it blends into the culture of women. Then several questions may have arisen from the motorcycle craze and its influence on the female gender. Does it make women more masculine? Does it encourage violence and other negativities in the society? What are its other impacts? Does motorcycle craze give any positive influence to the society as a whole? Will gender roles be greatly affected? The three previous studies about the effects on women would include â€Å"Girl Power†and Participation in Macho Recreation: The Case of Female Harley Riders by Catherine Roster, Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of t he New Bikers by John Schouten and James McAlexander, and Examining Gender Images, Expectations, and Competence as Perceived Impediments to Personal, Academic and Career Development by Lorraine Wilgosh. The study of Roster talks about the women empowerment gained from the inclusion of some women in motorcycling sports which is played mainly by men. On the other hand, the study of Schouten and McAlexander goes into the culture of consumerism and an analysis was done on how it brings about the change in the society and behaviors of people especially for bikers. The last study was about the discrimination, stereotyping and societal imaging of what women should be and those effects upon the development of young girls. Other sources that will be used for the study are Older Women, Liberation and Lifestyles: Self-Care and Other Care, Depicting outlaw motorcycle club women using anchored and unanchored research methodologies, and Brand Morphing: Implications for Advertising Theory and Prac tice. Method The study was done by looking at the previous studies from background, methods to results, analysis and conclusion. It did not utilize primary sources and did not have any actual experimentation and first-hand data gathering as it relied purely on the theories and results laid down by the previous studies and reports. It made use of the six journal articles mentioned in the background section of the paper. Each source had its own contribution
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The five forces analysis for Morrisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The five forces analysis for Morrisons - Essay Example This research will begin with the description of bargaining power of buyers. Buyers have fairly strong bargaining power because they have a vast range of choices. Prices are highly competitive so buyers can easily switch to other brands without any loss. The cost of switching is particularly low for products that are standardized and offer little differentiating features. Around 94% of the customers have a choice of at least three supermarkets at their disposal within a time frame of 15 minutes. Suppliers in this sector have fairly weak bargaining power due to strong brand presence of supermarkets. Suppliers fear the risk of losing their contracts with the large supermarkets, including Morrisons. Therefore, it is an easy task for such retailers to lock in suppliers at low costs. Furthermore, the industry is fragmented and retailers find themselves doing the role of middlemen and manage to rack up huge profits. Stores in convenience market may be substitutes; however, ever since t he retail stores have diversified into the convenience sector this threat is decreasing. There has been growing protest towards the use of hormonal or genetically modified products over the last few years. It is estimated that the market for organic foods in U.K is worth  £2 billion and is expected to grow in coming years. Hence, convenience stores as well as shops selling organic food may be potential substitutes but this risk is mitigated when large supermarkets buy these out. Morrisons, however, does not have any plan in expanding into this sector. Food experts such as butchers may also be substitutes; however, due to the ease of shopping and greater variety of grocery sector, this threat too is diminishing (Don Edwards & Associates Ltd., 2007). Overall, the threat of substitutes is fairly large for non-food offerings and fairly low for food offerings. 4. Competitive Rivalry Competition remains intense with the top 3 players including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. Me-too strategies have been widely adopted, such as that of Asda’s low price range strategy ( (Don Edwards & Associates Ltd., 2007). There is evidence of price wars between the top 4 players. Rivalry in the U.K supermarkets industry remains high although the industry itself is not growing. The U.K supermarkets industry is at the maturity stage of its lifecycle, growing at a rate far less than that of GDP and aggregate spending (Lancaster & Massingham, 2011). Fixed costs of this industry are high which can be potential barriers to entry of new firms (Lancaster & Massingham, 2011). Barriers to entry are potentially high with small retailers unable to compete. , unlike its three larger rivals Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's, Morrison’s does not have an internet home shopping business (Zentes et al., 2007). This could put the company on the backburner as e-commerce is an ever-growing business as it gives greater convenience to customers along with a potential to tap international mar kets. Also it does not have a loyalty card scheme such as Club card which Tesco has uses to track consumer trends and offer lapsing customers discounts (Thompson & Martin, 2010). Loyalty cards keep the regular customers coming back in that they use it to trace customer’s demographic profile which can go a long way in targeting the right products in advertising. Furthermore, by offering discounts the company has the opportunity to induce repeat purchases from its customers. Furthermore, unlike Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's, Morrison’s does not have a meaningful non-food offer (Thompson & Martin, 2010) . The company does not have enough diversification at present. Greater variety of products (non-food
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